RT: Just had a mad fun game. Great job @zilliqa and @zilliqa_gaming. Can't wait to explore the other games. Ran super smooth, installation process was very easy. Can't wait to play more games and tournaments. Im open to challenges, so who wants to give it a go?
#zilliqa https://t.co/A8PmWVkcdU

RT:刚刚玩了一场非常有趣的游戏。干得好@zilliqa 和@zilliqa_gaming。迫不及待地想探索其他游戏。运行超级流畅,安装过程非常简单。迫不及待地想玩更多的游戏和锦标赛。我对挑战持开放态度,那么谁愿意尝试呢?

发表时间:1年前 作者:Zilliqa @zilliqa