RT: We found 3,446 instances where an Application's admin was changed and new tokens were minted off thin air (steps 1 and 2 in the previous diagram).
While there were many false positives, the top 10 instances alone represent 483M USD: https://t.co/t0zyRo29yf

RT:我们发现了 3,446 个实例,其中更改了应用程序的管理员并凭空生成了新令牌(上图中的步骤 1 和 2)。
虽然有很多误报,但仅前 10 个实例就代表 4.83 亿美元:https://t.co/t0zyRo29yf

发表时间:1年前 作者:Reddcoin @reddcoin