RT: This week has been incredible to watch the @Conste11ation and @LatticeExchange teams reflect on on last weeks Lattice 2.0 and Mainnet 2.0 launches. We got solid lock up metrics for $DAG soft nodes and $LTX! Really an exciting time to get involved in our community

RT:本周看到@Conste11ation 和@LatticeExchange 团队对上周Lattice 2.0 和Mainnet 2.0 发布的反思令人难以置信。我们获得了 $DAG 软节点和 $LTX 的可靠锁定指标!参与我们的社区真的是一个激动人心的时刻

发表时间:1年前 作者:Constellation(DAG) @Conste11ation