📣 NFT Airdrop Event Winner 📣
Massive thanks to everyone who took part. With your help we grew by over 20k followers! ❤️
ℹ️ 👉 We'll send private DMs to all the winners. If we can't reach you via DM, then your prize will be forfeited. Please be aware of scammers.
#OpenFi $CTC https://twitter.com/creditcoin...

📣 NFT 空投活动获胜者📣
非常感谢所有参与的人。在您的帮助下,我们增加了超过 2 万名追随者! ❤️
ℹ️ 👉 我们会向所有获奖者发送私信。如果我们无法通过 DM 联系到您,那么您的奖品将被没收。请注意诈骗者。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Creditcoin @creditcoin