2/3 A conference call will be held in which we will invite proposers to give a short presentation of each of their already submitted proposals.
The call will be held on Wednesday, from 4 - 5:30 PM UTC, on Zoom:
🔗 https://singularitynet.zoom.us...
$AGIX #Funding #Decentralization

2/3 将举行电话会议,我们将邀请提案人对他们已提交的每个提案进行简短介绍。
电话会议将于世界标准时间周三下午 4 点到 5 点 30 分在 Zoom 上举行:
🔗 https://singularitynet.zoom.us...

发表时间:1年前 作者:SingularityNET @singularity_net