🎉 The community has voted and the results are in...
With nearly 11 out of 13 mln votes in favor - we're delighted to welcome Head Chef Jared Grey @jaredgrey to the Sushi family! 👨🏼‍🍳🍣
⚡️Snapshot: https://snapshot.org/#/sushigo...
Stay tuned for Jared's next steps, interviews & more! 📻 https://t.co/zzVoRvHqu0

🎉 社区已经投票,结果在...
在 1300 万张赞成票中,有近 11 票赞成——我们很高兴欢迎主厨 Jared Gray @jaredgrey 加入 Sushi 大家庭! 👨🏼‍🍳🍣
⚡️快照:发表时间:1年前 作者:🍣 SushiSwap | sushiswap.eth @SushiSwap