📢 WAX vIRL Merch Hits the Market with Limited Edition Swag!
If you’ve ever had the burning desire to buy some WAX swag that will make your friends envious, we’ve got news for you. We are officially opening the doors to the WAX vIRL Merch Store!
🔗 https://medium.com/virl-market....

📢 WAX vIRL Merch 以限量版赃物上市!
如果您曾经渴望购买一些让您的朋友羡慕的 WAX 赃物,我们有消息要告诉您。我们正式向 WAX vIRL Merch Store 敞开大门!
🔗 https:// medium.com/virl-market...

发表时间:1年前 作者:WAX.io @WAX_io