RT: Very insightful and tightly-packed read from @VitalikButerin

One of the uses for L3, briefly described in the article, is "L2 is for general-purpose scaling, L3 is for customized scaling."
Though it might initially sound simple, this phrase hides DEEP implications. [thread] https://twitter.com/VitalikBut...

RT:来自@VitalikButerin 的非常有见地且内容紧凑的阅读

文章中简要描述的 L3 的用途之一是“L2 用于通用缩放,L3 用于自定义缩放”。
虽然最初听起来很简单,但这个短语隐藏了深刻的含义。 [线程] https://twitter.com/VitalikBut...

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cartesi @cartesiproject