RT: Qubits might just be the rarest NFTs in crypto and easily can become historical time pieces, representing the Blockchain movement and real rarities in NFTs.
Rare pieces, scarce supply, 1 of 1 originals and running on #DGB?
Think we're wrong? Pffft...
https://www.betasyndicate.com/... https://t.co/aGs5JCu91x

RT:量子比特可能只是加密货币中最稀有的 NFT,很容易成为历史时间片段,代表区块链运动和 NFT 中的真正稀有性​​。
稀有作品,稀缺供应,1 of 1 originals and running on

发表时间:1年前 作者:DigiByte @DigiByteCoin