#0Chain allows #creators, #artists to make #NFTs go beyond a single image. Upload multiple high-res images, for #mutation, add a video, infographic, etc. to enhance its trade value, all while enjoying worry-free permanent #dStorage. #nftartist #opensea
https://0chain.net/nft.html https://t.co/EoWFFDCF5g

#0Chain allows #creators, #artists to make #NFTs go beyond a single image. Upload multiple high-res images, for #mutation, add a video, infographic, etc. to enhance its trade value, all while enjoying worry-free permanent #dStorage. #nftartist #opensea
https://0chain.net/nft.html https://t.co/EoWFFDCF5g

发表时间:1年前 作者:0Chain @0Chain