❗️@Chain_Port $PORTX trading went live on Gate, Uniswap, PancakeSwap and SpookySwap
Prior to listing, ChainPort burned 32% of the PORTX Total Supply and introduced PORTX deflation model with a taxable mechanism consisting of a fee on most transactions
👉 https://twitter.com/chain_port... https://t.co/OhQIh8a1LO

❗️@Chain_Port $PORTX 交易在 Gate、Uniswap、PancakeSwap 和 SpookySwap 上线
在上市之前,ChainPort 烧掉了 PORTX 总供应量的 32%,并引入了 PORTX 通货紧缩模型,该模型具有由大多数交易收取费用的应税机制
👉 https://twitter.com/chain_port... https://t.co/哦QIh8a1LO

发表时间:1年前 作者:CryptoDiffer @CryptoDiffer