RT: By offering true account ownership and customizable properties, ESDTs are a key composable block of the Elrond $EGLD ecosystem.
Thanks to @rv_inc’s verification report you can expand your knowledge of ESDTs and their implementation in the Elrond Protocol.
https://github.com/runtimeveri... https://t.co/xGkxagMur6

RT:通过提供真正的帐户所有权和可定制的属性,ESDT 是 Elrond $EGLD 生态系统的关键可组合块。
感谢@rv_inc 的验证报告,您可以扩展您对 ESDT 及其在 Elrond 协议中的实施的知识。
https://github.com/runtimeveri.. . https://t.co/xGkxagMur6

发表时间:1年前 作者:elrond @ElrondNetwork