🗳 Vote Now for your community question to be answered by the next Head Chef!
Vote for / write out your questions in the forum post below to better understand what the next HCs are thinking in terms of vision, strategy and practical next steps.
👉 https://forum.sushi.com/t/a-co...

🗳 现在投票让下一任主厨回答您的社区问题!
在下面的论坛帖子中投票/写下您的问题,以更好地了解下一个 HC 在愿景、战略和实际后续步骤方面的想法。
👉 https://forum.sushi。 com/t/a-co...

发表时间:1年前 作者:🍣 SushiSwap | sushiswap.eth @SushiSwap