RT: Today we are happy to present, this incredible conversation between @WatanabeSota and @marvintong - Co-Founder of @PhalaNetwork 🤝
Two of the OGs in Polkadot ecosystem discuss Phala, Astar and the future of Polkadot! 🔥
Watch the full ep from the 🔗👇
https://youtu.be/6djx-tH2fao https://t.co/yNmiwulosZ

RT:今天我们很高兴向大家介绍@WatanabeSota 和@marvintong 之间的精彩对话——@PhalaNetwork 的联合创始人🤝
Polkadot 生态系统中的两位 OG 讨论 Phala、Astar 和 Polkadot 的未来! 🔥
https://youtu.be/6djx-tH2fao https://t.co/yNmiwulosZ

发表时间:1年前 作者:Marvin Nobdy @marvin_tong