@kayabaNerve @CryptoM4n14c Think several times before you try to comment on $DERO next time. You devs don't have any knowledge of CryptoNote Protocol. Everyone knows how Monero is being duct-tapped atm. On top of being dishonest, spreading fake/lies, you are just copy/pasta group.

https://forum.zcashcommunity.c... https://t.co/MJp3nx6iqF

@kayabaNerve @CryptoM4n14c 在下次尝试对 $DERO 发表评论之前,请三思。你们的开发者对 CryptoNote 协议一无所知。每个人都知道门罗币是如何被管道窃听的。除了不诚实,散布虚假/谎言之外,您只是复制/意大利面组。

https:// /forum.zcashcommunity.c... https://t.co/MJp3nx6iqF

发表时间:1年前 作者:DERO @DeroProject