#Programmability means that #ChromiaOriginals #NFTs can be embedded with logic by game developers. This allows to code both object properties (weight, height etc.) and rules - eg. a character can wear armor but armor can’t wear a character 🤯🎮
🚀 https://blog.chromia.com/chrom... https://t.co/gw55xnjmqK

#Programmability means that #ChromiaOriginals #NFTs can be embedded with logic by game developers. This allows to code both object properties (weight, height etc.) and rules - eg. a character can wear armor but armor can’t wear a character 🤯🎮
🚀 https://blog.chromia.com/chrom... https://t.co/gw55xnjmqK

发表时间:1年前 作者:Chromia | Power to the Public @Chromia