RT: Join us for the weekly Beam Space joined by special guest @TheEylon!
We will discuss the upcoming Eth merge, differences between POW and POS, the need for privacy, and how these play into the Web3 future!
This week we will kick off 30 mins earlier at 5:30 PM GMT
See you there! https://twitter.com/beamprivac...

RT:加入我们,参加由特邀嘉宾@TheEylon 加入的每周 Beam Space!
我们将讨论即将到来的 Eth 合并、POW 和 POS 之间的差异、对隐私的需求,以及这些对 Web3 未来的影响!
本周我们将在格林威治标准时间下午 5:30 提前 30 分钟开始
到时候那里见! https://twitter.com/beamprivac...

发表时间:1年前 作者:@Beamprivacy @beamprivacy