@cryptogeek101 Hey! We understand your frustration and apologize for the inconvenience. SGB and FLR are currently not available for US users but we’re working on making them available. While we do not have a timeline that we can share, we can assure you we’re actively working on it. 🙂

@cryptogeek101 嘿!我们理解您的不满,并对给您带来的不便深表歉意。 SGB 和 FLR 目前对美国用户不可用,但我们正在努力使它们可用。虽然我们没有可以分享的时间表,但我们可以向您保证,我们正在积极努力。 🙂

发表时间:1年前 作者:Bitstamp @Bitstamp