🔒 BPT ➡️ AURA = auraBAL 🚀
On top of the bb-a-USD and BAL distributed to $veBAL holders, auraBAL stakers also earn a cut of $BAL earned by Aura depositors, along with AURA emissions
More on auraBAL ⬇️ https://twitter.com/AuraFinanc...

🔒 BPT ➡️ AURA = auraBAL 🚀
除了分发给 $veBAL 持有者的 bb-a-USD 和 BAL 之外,auraBAL 质押者还可以从 Aura 存款人赚取的 $BAL 中分得一杯羹,以及 AURA 排放量
更多关于 auraBAL ⬇️ https://twitter.com/AuraFinance...

发表时间:1年前 作者:Balancer Labs @BalancerLabs