Since some users are asking: like in Electrum-NMC, Namecoin Core has split the Manage Names tab from 0.13.99 into two tabs: Buy Names and Manage Names. This was done to lay the groundwork for future work on anonymity and atomic name trades. 22.0 only has the Manage Names tab. -J

由于一些用户在问:就像在 Electrum-NMC 中一样,Namecoin Core 已将 0.13.99 的“管理名称”选项卡拆分为两个选项卡:购买名称和管理名称。这样做是为了为未来的匿名和原子名称交易工作奠定基础。 22.0 只有管理名称选项卡。 -J

发表时间:1年前 作者:Namecoin @Namecoin