There are many countries in the world, but just a few of them have devoted crypto holders. 🌎🌎🌎 Here is the TOP 10: USA, Germany, The Czech Republic, China, Spain, Poland, Turkey, Japan, Switzerland and South Korea. Would you guess which country has the most Capricoins? 🤫

世界上有许多国家,但其中只有少数几个拥有忠实的加密货币持有者。 🌎🌎🌎 以下是前 10 名:美国、德国、捷克共和国、中国、西班牙、波兰、土耳其、日本、瑞士和韩国。你能猜出哪个国家拥有最多的摩羯座币吗? 🤫

发表时间:4年前 作者:CapriCoin @TheCapriCoin