RT: Are you cold staking? 👻❄
We have a guide on how to set a vps for cold staking read it at - https://medium.com/@GhostbyMcA...
You can also join a cold staking pool which is simple and benefits small holders! Read how at - https://medium.com/@GhostbyMcA...
$GHOST 👻❄ https://t.co/SaK3nwvCdk

RT:你是冷注吗? 👻❄
我们有一个关于如何为冷质押设置 vps 的指南,请阅读 - https ://medium.com/@GhostbyMcA...
您还可以加入一个简单且有利于小持有者的冷权益池!阅读方法 - https://medium.com/@GhostbyMcA...< /一>
$GHOST 👻❄ https://t.co/SaK3nwvCdk

发表时间:3年前 作者:Switch @SwitchAg