RT: 🙌🏻 1st Official GHOST Meme Contest
Over $500 in Prizes will be given to the winners!! 💰💰
1st Place: 300 GHOST
2nd Place: 150 GHOST
3rd Place: 75 GHOST
Rules & Entry
Meme’s must be posted on Twitter with the hashtag: #GhostMemeContest
$GHOST 👻 https://t.co/GcXQjNTpSx

RT:🙌🏻 第一届官方 GHOST Meme 比赛
获胜者将获得超过 500 美元的奖金!! 💰💰
第一名:300 GHOST
第二名:150 GHOST
第三名:75 GHOST

发表时间:3年前 作者:Switch @SwitchAg