RT: Donald Trump Jr.: “I was fortunate enough to grow up in a family that could afford the best schools and the finest universities. But a great education cannot be the exclusive right of the rich and powerful. It must be accessible to all. And that's why my dad is pro-school choice” https://t.co/cMVb6azW5y

RT:小唐纳德·特朗普:“我很幸运能够在一个能够负担得起最好的学校和最好的大学的家庭中长大。但伟大的教育不可能是有钱有势的人的专属权利。它必须可供所有人使用。这就是为什么我父亲是亲学校的选择” https://t.co/cMVb6azW5y

发表时间:3年前 作者:LINA NETWORK @lina_network