RT: 14 Feb 2020
Virus cases in China begin to decline.
The rolling average of new confirmed cases in China peaks at 4,607 per day, after a backlog of patients diagnosed by CT scan is added to the national tally
Global deaths: 1,523
https://www.japantimes.co.jp/n... https://t.co/yb2XaGhAze

RT:2020 年 2 月 14 日
中国新增确诊病例的滚动平均值达到每天 4,607 例的峰值,这是在将 CT 扫描确诊的积压患者添加到全国统计中后
https://www.japantimes.co.jp/n... https://t.co/yb2XaGhAze

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4