@hashright @michaeljburry @LynAldenContact Dump fiat before the other guy does. As fast as it comes in excepting a small emergency stash. Buy now storable goods you will consume this year. To save for expected expenditures 1-3 years in the future, gold. To save for expected expenditures thereafter or legacy, Bitcoin.

@hashright @michaeljburry @LynAldenContact 在其他人之前转储法定货币。除了一个小的紧急藏匿处,它的速度一样快。立即购买今年将消费的可储存商品。为了节省未来 1-3 年的预期支出,黄金。为了节省之后的预期支出或遗产,比特币。

发表时间:3年前 作者:Nick Szabo 🔑 @NickSzabo4