Entering the 6th week of the #Hyperspace.
The leading projects accepted so far 👇
SDKs ➡️ TypeScript, Rust, Java, Python, Kotlin
Marketing ➡️ PR & Ads, Zyler's articles, BICH news
Interoperability ➡️ BTC Atomic Swaps
Utility ➡️ TG Plasma Bot, Zenon Forum
R&D ➡️ VM research

SDK➡️ TypeScript、Rust、Java、Python、Kotlin
市场营销➡️ 请购单(&A);广告、Zyler的文章、BICH新闻
互操作性➡️ BTC原子交换
公用事业➡️ TG Plasma Bot,Zenon论坛
R&;D➡️ VM研究

发表时间:1年前 作者:Zenon Network @Zenon_Network