RT: On a positive note, just finished merging all of atomicDex's updates from 0.5 to 0.5.6 into Crypto Collider's Portal App and I must say there's so much improved, this dex & all its children are going to be hero's once ppl notice, well done keep it up! @AtomicDEX @KomodoPlatform https://twitter.com/KomodoPlat...

RT:从正面来看,atomicDex刚刚完成了从0.5到0.5.6的所有更新,并将其整合到Crypto Collider的门户应用程序中。我必须说,这个dex&;所有的孩子都将成为英雄的一次ppl通知,干得好,坚持下去@AtomicDEX@Komodo平台https://twitter.com/KomodoPlat...

发表时间:1年前 作者:Komodo @KomodoPlatform