@anndylian To be more specific, the image is econcoded as a string of characters in base64 format and recorded on chain with our DApp (as in this transaction https://bscscan.com/tx/0xbaeac...); the data can then be converted back to image and this is the result. Your tweet now lives forever on chain. https://t.co/bUvCRyKlxR

@anndylian更具体地说,图像以base64格式编码为字符串,并与我们的DApp一起记录在链上(如本次交易中)https://bscscan.com/tx/0xbaeac...); 然后,数据可以转换回图像,这就是结果。你的推文现在永远在链条上。https://t.co/bUvCRyKlxR

发表时间:2年前 作者:Innovativebioresearch @InnBioresearch