RT: 🍣Ahoy $Sushi fans!
Place your bids with a clear mind😌 The price will only be settled at the end of the auction, with everyone paying the same
If we don't reach our goal, you get a full refund (minus gas)
Get on the train now and save your spot! ⬇️
https://app.sushi.com/miso https://t.co/oAgVLhLDsX

以清醒的头脑进行出价😌 只有在拍卖结束时,价格才会确定,每个人都支付相同的价格
https://app.sushi.com/miso https://t.co/oAgVLhLDsX

发表时间:2年前 作者:🍣 SushiSwap | sushiswap.eth @SushiSwap