Earn rewards with #Binance Lite Referral!
Invite a friend through #BinanceLiteReferral
and you’ll both receive a 100 USDT Cashback Voucher.
Refer by April 14 to enter the Early Bird Prize Pool with a share of $130,000 in crypto rewards.
Learn more ➡️ https://www.binance.com/en/act... https://t.co/bSr5fbzbNl

通过#Binance Lite推荐获得奖励!
请在4月14日前进入Early Bird Prize Pool,获得13万美元的加密奖励。
了解更多➡️ https://www.binance.com/en/act... https://t.co/bSr5fbzbNl

发表时间:2年前 作者:Binance @binance