HDX is now listed on @Uniswap! 🦄 You can trade it live using this link https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap...
We have added our initial deployment of liquidity to the pool. 1M HDX at a price range of $0.02-0.11. More will be added gradually as the price rises. The Hydra POL will be

HDX现在列在@Uniswap!🦄 你可以使用这个链接进行实时交易https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap...
我们已将流动性的初始配置添加到池中。100万HDX,价格范围为0.02-0.11美元。随着价格上涨,将逐步增加更多。Hydra POL将

发表时间:2年前 作者:Stakenet @XSNofficial