RT: To celebrate the launch of Hakka's brand new product iGain IRS, we're organizing a special AMA session this month on Friday, with CEO @luciendeer and Chief Scientist @PingChenTW

Ask us anything below this tweet, on our TG group, or in our Discord server (all in bio link) 👇👇👇 https://t.co/3U3ahLkxY6

RT:为了庆祝客家新产品iGain IRS的发布,我们将在本月的周五组织一次特别的AMA会议,首席执行官@Luciender和首席科学家@PingChenTW将出席会议
在这条推文下面,在我们的TG小组,或者在我们的Discord服务器(都在bio链接中)询问我们任何事情👇👇👇 https://t.co/3U3ahLkxY6

发表时间:2年前 作者:hakkafinance @hakkafinance