用户 electroneum(@ electroneum) 的最新消息

Today’s most popular blockchain-based VM is the #Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), which Electroneum’s blockchain team will start integrating within the coming weeks and months. This will provide a #digitalenvironment for applications and #smartcontracts: https://bit.ly/3Hyl1fz https://t.co/AqbTeEdVpl

今天最流行的基于区块链的虚拟机是#以太坊虚拟机(EVM),Electroneum的区块链团队将在未来几周和几个月内开始集成该虚拟机。这将为应用程序和智能合约提供#数字环境:https://bit.ly/3Hyl1fz https://t.co/AqbTeEdVpl

发表时间:1年前 作者:electroneum @electroneum详情

If you're wondering how easy it is for users to buy Tasks on the AnyTask™ Platform, this simple step-by-step guide should make things all clear!
#guide #tutorial #ETN #BuyWithETN #AnyTaskPlatform #freelance #global

如果您想知道用户在AnyTask上购买任务有多容易™ 平台,这个简单的分步指南应该让一切都清楚!

发表时间:1年前 作者:electroneum @electroneum详情

👉 NEW Spend #ETN on https://anytask.com/
👉 NEW #Ethereum smart contract implementation update
👉 NEW #Blockchain developers joining the team
👉 Business development strategy update
👉 Richard Ells’ public appearances
➡️ https://bit.ly/3Hyl1fz https://t.co/CVJDbBAqCf

👉 新支出#ETNhttps://anytask.com/
👉 新的#以太坊智能合约实施更新
👉 新的#区块链开发人员加入团队
👉 业务发展战略更新
👉 Richard Ells的公开露面
➡️ https://bit.ly/3Hyl1fz https://t.co/CVJDbBAqCf

发表时间:1年前 作者:electroneum @electroneum详情

Paying for digital Tasks with ETN on the AnyTask™ Platform means Sellers can spend the ETN earned through https://anytask.com/ back on the marketplace, to refresh their offerings or even upsell Tasks they offer Buyers!
More info: https://bit.ly/3MMLKGs https://t.co/Ja5qzYUIVD

在AnyTask上使用ETN支付数字任务™ 平台意味着卖家可以通过https://anytask.com/回到市场上,更新他们的产品,甚至向买家推销他们提供的任务!
更多信息:https://bit.ly/3MMLKGs https://t.co/Ja5qzYUIVD

发表时间:1年前 作者:electroneum @electroneum详情

You are now able to pay for Tasks through the AnyTask™ Platform using ETN.
Great, right?!
More info: https://bit.ly/3MMLKGs
#ETN #crypto #global https://t.co/G5UFA86Pau

您现在可以通过AnyTask支付任务费用™ 使用ETN的平台。

发表时间:1年前 作者:electroneum @electroneum详情

@CommerceLab_ @NOWPayments_io We look forward to seeing it! 😄

@CommerceLab@NOWPayments\u io我们期待着看到它!😄

发表时间:1年前 作者:electroneum @electroneum详情

With the beta program successfully completed, it's time to announce the latest update to the AnyTask™ Platform. We're excited to share that you can now buy digital services with ETN on https://anytask.com/: https://bit.ly/3O3NU5y
#Crypto #Blockchain #ETN #Electroneum https://t.co/pOEd1DFJMW

随着beta程序成功完成,现在是时候宣布AnyTask的最新更新了™ 站台我们很高兴与您分享,您现在可以在https://anytask.com/: https://bit.ly/3O3NU5y

发表时间:1年前 作者:electroneum @electroneum详情

If you missed the DPF's webinar last week, you can find all of the information in this great summary by @GlobeGovFintech
#digitalpound #unbanked #webinar #news


发表时间:1年前 作者:electroneum @electroneum详情

Earn ETN through https://anytask.com/ and storing your ETN in the ETN Online Wallet within the ETN App enables quick cross border transfers, anywhere in the world.
Download today from Android and iOS App Stores.
#crypto #ETN_Network #blockchain https://t.co/TblNjTd2iW


发表时间:1年前 作者:electroneum @electroneum详情

Beta testing for paying for tasks with ETN through the AnyTask™ Platform has started! ! This is such an exciting launch for the marketplace as well as the ETN-Network! Keep an eye on this space for when it fully goes live to the public.
#ETNPayments #ETNApp #crypto #update https://t.co/KNU2uQCfPB

通过AnyTask使用ETN支付任务的测试版™ 平台已启动!这对市场和ETN网络来说都是一次激动人心的发布!请密切关注此空间,以了解它何时完全向公众开放。

发表时间:1年前 作者:electroneum @electroneum详情

There's only one more day to sign up to the Digital Pound Foundation webinar discussing financial inclusion. Richard Ells is the keynote speaker and it's a free event so make sure you don't miss out. Sign up now: https://bit.ly/38fphU6
#ETN_Network #ETN #crypto #blockchain https://t.co/AlBxUadPUw


发表时间:1年前 作者:electroneum @electroneum详情

The ETN-Network's mission is to bring financial inclusion to millions of people around the world by giving them access to the global digital economy. Sign up for the Digital Pound foundation webinar discussing the importance of financial inclusion: https://bit.ly/38fphU6 https://t.co/II5Ckg1qQ6

ETN网络的使命是通过让全世界数百万人接触全球数字经济,实现金融包容。报名参加Digital Pound foundation网络研讨会,讨论金融包容的重要性:https://bit.ly/38fphU6 https://t.co/II5Ckg1qQ6

发表时间:1年前 作者:electroneum @electroneum详情

Did you know that with the ETN-Network, you're able to send ETN anywhere in the world for a fraction of the usual cross-border transfer cost?
Download the ETN App:
Android: https://bit.ly/39dqwDu
iOS: https://apple.co/39LxCiB
#ETNApp #crypto #blockchain #business #cryptoproject https://t.co/62JbBbwBwH


发表时间:1年前 作者:electroneum @electroneum详情

RT: In preparation for our upcoming financial inclusion webinar on 19 May, we have published a new article entitled - Can digital currencies end financial exclusion?
Read it here 👉 https://ow.ly/fhi450IZUvw
#CBDC #Crypto #Blockchain #DLT #Stablecoin #BTC #ETH #XRP #QNT #AVAX #ETN https://t.co/9vXYiXT7I3

在这里读👉 https://ow.ly/fhi450IZUvw

发表时间:1年前 作者:electroneum @electroneum详情

With the ETN-Network, you can sell your digital skills to Buyers around the world on https://anytask.com/, and then use those earnings to top up your mobile data and utilities or purchase vouchers
#Electroneum #ETN #ETNApp #crypto #blockchain https://t.co/hjCzyfea6T


发表时间:1年前 作者:electroneum @electroneum详情

The Digital Pound Foundation is hosting a webinar on 19th May 2022. Electroneum's Richard Ells is the keynote speaker to discuss how a digital pound could facilitate financial inclusion.
Sign up today: https://bit.ly/38fphU6 https://t.co/CfrFxaw8Up

数字英镑基金会将于2022年5月19日举办一场网络研讨会。Electroneum的理查德·埃尔斯(Richard Ells)是讨论数字英镑如何促进金融包容的主旨发言人。
今天注册:https://bit.ly/38fphU6 https://t.co/CfrFxaw8Up

发表时间:1年前 作者:electroneum @electroneum详情

RT: Join us on 19 May for a live webinar on the topic of Financial Inclusion. Electroneum Founder and CEO, @iamRichardElls, will be providing the keynote speech, followed by a panel discussion with participants from Ripple, hiveonline, KiraliT, and Orora.
👉 https://ow.ly/sRw950IUC9J https://t.co/HNFmxuk53D

👉 https://ow.ly/sRw950IUC9J https://t.co/HNFmxuk53D

发表时间:1年前 作者:electroneum @electroneum详情

RT: Had a fantastic evening at last night’s @FT crypto event. Met up with @gverdian again, which is always a pleasure! Caught up with Nick Cook for the first time since he joined @8vGlobal. And had some very interesting conversations with other project owners. Thank you @ftlive 😁 https://t.co/UjXKjNs5C6

RT:在昨晚的@FT crypto活动中度过了一个美妙的夜晚。再次见到@gverdian,这一直是一种荣幸!自从尼克·库克加入@8vGlobal以来,他第一次赶上了他。与其他项目负责人进行了一些非常有趣的对话。谢谢@ftlive😁 https://t.co/UjXKjNs5C6

发表时间:2年前 作者:electroneum @electroneum详情

RT: Looking forward to attending tomorrow's @ftlive 'Crypto After Dark' networking event in London. Who else is going? #FTCrypto


发表时间:2年前 作者:electroneum @electroneum详情

Did you know that the ETN-Network has one of the greener blockchains around?
Since the introduction of the moderated Proof of Responsibility blockchain, the energy use for each validator has reduced to just 10% of an average UK household.
#blockchaintechnology #EarthDay https://t.co/0N19R0yRZC


发表时间:2年前 作者:electroneum @electroneum详情