用户 electroneum(@ electroneum) 的最新消息

https://anytask.com/ has introduced a new feature that allows Buyers to not only purchase with debit or credit card but also using cryptocurrency – starting with Electroneum (ETN).
#cryptopayments #ecosystem #newfeature #update #testimonial https://t.co/TR9RHDCJG5


发表时间:1年前 作者:electroneum @electroneum详情

Please be aware the ETN TESTNET does NOT affect the main, LIVE, ETN blockchain in any way. It is a way for developers to get early access to the new functionality to be prepared for the full integration into the main blockchain.


发表时间:1年前 作者:electroneum @electroneum详情

The ETN smart contract TESTNET is now LIVE! https://bit.ly/3PsEHo0
The developers are busy testing the new network. Remember the TESTNET will be up and down as the team continues to work on it.
Want to experiment with ETN smart contracts? TESTNET ETN will be available soon! https://t.co/18b6xkGGSU

想尝试ETN智能合约吗?TESTNET ETN即将推出!https://t.co/18b6xkGGSU

发表时间:1年前 作者:electroneum @electroneum详情

Remember the ETN TESTNET does NOT affect the main, LIVE, ETN blockchain in any way. It is a way for developers to get early access to the new functionality to be prepared for the full integration into the main blockchain.


发表时间:1年前 作者:electroneum @electroneum详情

The TESTNET for our new ETN smart contract blockchain will soon be live! Please be aware, the testnet will be up and down as the developers work on it. Integration work will continue until they are ready to change over our main blockchain. Exciting times! Watch this space! https://t.co/l6x4DXZRee


发表时间:1年前 作者:electroneum @electroneum详情

Smart contracts have the potential to transform many of today’s legacy systems such as financial services, healthcare, insurance, logistics and more. This is why the ETN-Network is working on implementing the EVM onto the Electroneum blockchain.
#blockchain #EVM #blockchaintech https://t.co/7yAlYHqiXK


发表时间:1年前 作者:electroneum @electroneum详情

https://anytask.com/ is allowing Buyers and Sellers to connect like never before, by allowing freelancers to scale up their earning potential by upselling with other Sellers' digital tasks while paying with ETN. https://bit.ly/3MMLKGs
#crypto #ETN_Network #cryptopayments https://t.co/BtPohwjvEK


发表时间:1年前 作者:electroneum @electroneum详情

Since our last community update in March, four Universities have shared their intention to become validators on the Electroneum blockchain. We hope to have signed contracts within the coming weeks.
#ETN #Electroneum #ETN_Network #ETNApp https://t.co/8zZq4QHM5N


发表时间:1年前 作者:electroneum @electroneum详情

The ETN-Network uses its blockchain technology to connect millions of people to the global digital economy - bringing significant value to local communities where domestic opportunities to earn an income are limited: https://bit.ly/3MMLKGs
#global #blockchain #technology https://t.co/Zdyq5TJjfy


发表时间:1年前 作者:electroneum @electroneum详情

👉 Amazing ✅
👉 Fast ✅
👉 Convenient ✅
These are just some of the keywords coming from very positive feedback about ETN Payments. https://bit.ly/3MMLKGs
#crypto #cryptopayments #ETN-Network #update https://t.co/H3B3NVXOMy

👉 太神了✅
👉 快速的✅
👉 实用的✅

发表时间:1年前 作者:electroneum @electroneum详情

RT: What an amazing event on Cryptocurrency & Cryptopayments: The Current State of Affairs last week. View our entire photo album from this event in APPG Blockchain Pavilion: https://bicpavilion.com/wall/a... @iamRichardElls @AmelieArras @GreengageCo @TeanaTaylor @MartinJDocherty @BirgitteBIC https://t.co/esf7nnODEw


发表时间:1年前 作者:electroneum @electroneum详情

The priority in the business development strategy is finding new ways for people to earn ETN. One contract, in particular, is nearing completion, and it could be a first for the crypto industry. Keep your eyes peeled. https://bit.ly/3Hyl1fz
#update #crypto #ETN #ETN_Network https://t.co/4nvbHLN10T


发表时间:1年前 作者:electroneum @electroneum详情

The option to #buy with #Electroneum (ETN) at #AnyTask.com has arrived! Sellers earning #ETN on the freelance platform can now spend their ETN directly with other freelancers, opening up the #opportunity to scale up one’s #business: https://bit.ly/3Hyl1fz
#crypto https://t.co/hXTq4YQ6zU


发表时间:1年前 作者:electroneum @electroneum详情

The ability to pay for Tasks through the AnyTask™ Platform using ETN completely bypasses the need for a bank account on either side of the transaction! Just another example of how the ETN-Network is working toward a fully end-to-end ecosystem.
#ETN #crypto #global https://t.co/mZX4aO93AI

通过AnyTask支付任务的能力™ 使用ETN的平台完全不需要交易双方都有银行账户!这只是ETN网络如何朝着完全端到端生态系统发展的另一个例子。

发表时间:1年前 作者:electroneum @electroneum详情

There's a number of ongoing discussions with potential partners who are keen to work with the ETN-Network which will hugely benefit the ETN-Network community. Find out more: https://bit.ly/3Hyl1fz
#ETN #crypto #global https://t.co/HOeqBwr0Gd


发表时间:1年前 作者:electroneum @electroneum详情

RT: It was an absolute pleasure to speak at the U.K. Houses of Parliament today. Huge thank you to @appg_blockchain for organising the event, and to my fellow panellists. A recording of the event should be available soon! #UK #Cryptocurrency #Blockchain #APPG https://t.co/INNtF4KLfT


发表时间:1年前 作者:electroneum @electroneum详情

RT: We're inside the Houses of Parliament! Just waiting for everyone to get seated before we start the evidence giving 🙌 #UK #Cryptocurrency #Blockchain https://t.co/eEW3yBBnve

RT:我们在国会大厦里面!等大家坐下再开始作证🙌 #英国#加密货币#区块链https://t.co/eEW3yBBnve

发表时间:1年前 作者:electroneum @electroneum详情

RT: What a beautiful day in #London! We've just arrived in Westminster and are now waiting for our allotted time slot to head into the Houses of Parliament for security checks. Wish us luck! 😁 #Crypto #Blockchain #UK https://t.co/7YtUwDgD56

RT:伦敦多美的一天啊!我们刚刚抵达威斯敏斯特,正在等待分配给我们的时间前往国会大厦进行安全检查。祝我们好运!😁 #加密#区块链#英国https://t.co/7YtUwDgD56

发表时间:1年前 作者:electroneum @electroneum详情

Don't take our word for it. Check out what the users think about the new ETN Payments feature on https://anytask.com/.
#cryptopayments #ecosystem #ETN_Network #AnyTaskPlatform #newfeature #update #testimonial https://t.co/E1I8mYZ8Cp


发表时间:1年前 作者:electroneum @electroneum详情

Richard Ells will be attending an event at the UK’s #HousesOfParliament tomorrow where he will be presenting information on behalf of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on #Blockchain. Find out which questions will be addressed here 👉 https://bit.ly/3Hyl1fz
#ETN_Network #crypto https://t.co/cC4ZVCGG5T

理查德·埃尔斯(Richard Ells)明天将出席英国#HousesOfParliament(议会大厦)的一场活动,他将代表全党议会小组在#区块链上展示信息。找出此处要解决的问题👉 https://bit.ly/3Hyl1fz

发表时间:1年前 作者:electroneum @electroneum详情