用户 Cointelegraph(@ Cointelegraph) 的最新消息

September is about to close, with a wary lack of volatility and Bitcoin hovering at $19K. https://buff.ly/3dRubcJ

9 月即将结束,谨慎缺乏波动性,比特币徘徊在 19,000 美元。 https://buff.ly/3dRubcJ

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

Normies watching everyone lose crypto people lost money in the bear market: https://t.co/wqzqurIF7Y


发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

Can the world run solely on Ethereum?
Even if the network is capable of it, the real question is whether we need it or not. https://buff.ly/3QDvTvt

即使网络有能力,真正的问题是我们是否需要它。 https://buff.ly/3QDvTvt

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

Were you skeptical about Ethereum’s Merge success?
It seems that ultimately there was nothing to fear. https://buff.ly/3BWEELN

似乎最终没有什么好害怕的。 https://buff.ly/3BWEELN

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

The United Arab Emirates Ministry of Economy announced the opening of a new office.
This time in the Metaverse. https://buff.ly/3y4178J

这次是在元界。 https://buff.ly/3y4178J

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

As traditional banks have not managed to provide enough funds to keep the iconic Euro monument in a proper condition, crypto startup Caiz Development has taken over that task. https://cointelegraph.com/news...

由于传统银行未能提供足够的资金来保持标志性的欧元纪念碑处于适当的状态,加密初创公司 Caiz Development 接管了这项任务。 https://cointelegraph .com/news...

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

Ghana is on its way to greatness.
The West African country has the potential to become the leader in terms of crypto adoption, according to the CEO of Paxful. https://buff.ly/3fv1v9V

据 Paxful 的首席执行官称,这个西非国家有可能成为加密货币采用的领导者。 https://buff.ly/3fv1v9V

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

Electronic music lovers never need a reason to go clubbing — but @KlubCoin is championing an exciting new concept called “party-to-earn.” [Sponsored] https://cointelegraph.com/news...

电子音乐爱好者从来不需要去夜店的理由——但@KlubCoin 正在倡导一个令人兴奋的新概念,称为“派对赚钱”。 [赞助] https://cointelegraph.com/news...

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

A spokesperson for Terraform Labs tells WSJ Do Kwon's case is highly politicized, based on changes in interpreting the law by South Korean financial authorities. https://buff.ly/3UQyAxl

Terraform Labs 的一位发言人告诉华尔街日报,Do Kwon 的案件高度政治化,原因是韩国金融当局对法律的解释发生了变化。 https://buff.ly/3UQyAxl

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

Interbank messaging system SWIFT has partnered with price oracle provider Chainlink to work on a proof-of-concept project that would allow traditional finance firms to transact across blockchain networks. https://buff.ly/3LYWeni

银行间消息系统 SWIFT 与价格预言机提供商 Chainlink 合作开展概念验证项目,该项目将允许传统金融公司跨区块链网络进行交易。 https://buff.ly/3LYWeni

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

“It is an architecture that the internet was founded on many decades ago — this idea of open networks, of open standards and protocols, of connecting entities, devices and people in interoperable ways, of a globally intertwined world of decentralized systems.”


发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

Maple Finance co-founder and CEO Sid Powell says that transparency has been the saving grace of decentralized finance amid the prolonged crypto market slump. https://buff.ly/3Sq0EWA

Maple Finance 联合创始人兼首席执行官 Sid Powell 表示,在加密货币市场长期低迷的情况下,透明度一直是去中心化金融的可取之处。 https://buff.ly/3Sq0EWA

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

@PhilGalsgaard got me there

@PhilGalsgaard 把我带到了那里

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

In case your parents ever ask, this is what happens when you become a $SUSHI liquidity provider. https://t.co/cR1cEjp7WS

如果您的父母曾经问过,当您成为 $SUSHI 流动性提供者时,就会发生这种情况。 https://t.co/cR1cEjp7WS

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

“We want to provide liquidity for people that are kind of giving up because we’re still very bullish for the next 10 or 20 years,” said the Pantera CEO, according to the report.

报告称,Pantera 首席执行官表示:“我们希望为有些放弃的人提供流动性,因为我们仍然非常看好未来 10 或 20 年。”

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

Kazakhstan is ready to embark on its crypto journey.
After one of its major banks completed its first regulated crypto purchase for fiat, the country is ready to legalize a mechanism for converting crypto to cash if enough demand is generated. https://buff.ly/3CiYGl4

在其一家主要银行完成了第一次受监管的法定加密货币购买之后,该国准备将一种机制合法化,如果产生足够的需求,将加密货币转换为现金。 https://buff.ly/3CiYGl4

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情