用户 Cointelegraph(@ Cointelegraph) 的最新消息

South Africa's FSCA's new ruling defining crypto as financial products could be vital in consolidating digital currency adoption. https://buff.ly/3DxelOB

南非 FSCA 将加密货币定义为金融产品的新裁决对于巩固数字货币的采用至关重要。 https://buff.ly/3DxelOB

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

Bitcoin > Gold?
“Bitcoin is a fixed-supply asset that may eventually become an inflation hedge,” said one strategist, indicating that BTC is becoming a safe haven for investors. https://buff.ly/3zdtBgW


发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

The bear market is claiming everything yet.
Despite the current market conditions, Metaverse land trading has only dropped by 11%, which can mean that the ecosystem is still bullish on the Metaverse. https://buff.ly/3UaFRXJ

尽管目前的市场状况,元界土地交易仅下降了 11%,这可能意味着生态系统仍然看好元界。 https://buff.ly/3UaFRXJ

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

USN, Near Protocol’s stablecoin, recently became undercollateralized.
To avoid a situation similar to the Terra collapse, the foundation opened a $40 million fund to protect investors and help them cash out. https://buff.ly/3TQ1YT1

Near Protocol 的稳定币 USN 最近变得抵押不足。
为了避免类似 Terra 崩盘的情况,该基金会开设了一个 4000 万美元的基金来保护投资者并帮助他们兑现。 https://buff.ly/3TQ1YT1

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

Who noticed it? https://t.co/ScKMdwFAKT

谁注意到了? https://t.co/ScKMdwFAKT

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

A privacy wallet was reported to be used in the bribery of a US government agent. The double agent allegedly received about $61,000 in BTC from two Chinese intelligence officers. https://cointelegraph.com/news...

据报道,一个隐私钱包被用于贿赂美国政府代理人。据称,这名双重间谍从两名中国情报人员那里收到了约 61,000 美元的 BTC。 https:// /cointelegraph.com/news...

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

What goes down must go up.
Bitcoin might be heading to $30,000 next month, according to this analyst. https://buff.ly/3VSLFqp

据这位分析师称,下个月比特币可能会达到 30,000 美元。 https://buff.ly/3VSLFqp

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

Here's what the Project Genesis 2.0 trial says about the future of tokenized bonds: https://buff.ly/3Du32qb

以下是 Project Genesis 2.0 试验对代币化债券未来的看法:https://buff.ly/3Du32qb

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

Hovering near $20K might be problematic for Bitcoin as the hash rate rises. https://buff.ly/3szySvi

随着哈希率的上升,在 2 万美元附近徘徊对比特币来说可能是个问题。 https://buff.ly/3szySvi

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

When you DCA in a bear market:

当您在熊市中进行 DCA 时:

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

Crypto brings a number of advantages under the belt, but also a lot of stuff to learn to keep up with the times.
Ask the Australian police about it. https://buff.ly/3gEpx2Q

Crypto 带来了许多优势,但也有很多东西需要学习才能跟上时代的步伐。
向澳大利亚警方询问此事。 https://buff.ly/3gEpx2Q

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

The cryptocurrency community has long held privacy and encryption in high regard, and as such, a number of WhatsApp competitors have been increasingly endorsed as alternatives.
Check out some of them: https://cointelegraph.com/news...

加密货币社区长期以来一直高度重视隐私和加密,因此,许多 WhatsApp 竞争对手越来越多地被认可为替代品。
查看其中一些:https://cointelegraph .com/news...

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

Zuckerberg, Meta, and 100 billion bucks.
Not a movie, but a horror story for some. https://buff.ly/3W20GGy

扎克伯格、Meta 和 1000 亿美元。
不是电影,而是某些人的恐怖故事。 https://buff.ly/3W20GGy

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情

Bitcoin miner profits are under increasing pressure due to rising hash rate, high electricity costs and BTC’s struggle to break out of the sub-$20,000 range. https://cointelegraph.com/news...

由于哈希率上升、电力成本高企以及 BTC 难以突破 20,000 美元以下的区间,比特币矿工的利润面临越来越大的压力。 https ://cointelegraph.com/news...

发表时间:1年前 作者:Cointelegraph @Cointelegraph详情