用户 Dentacoin(@ dentacoin) 的最新消息

💰 Have you been wondering how to get #ETH on @optimismPBC for cheap? No worries - this week we have a #solution for you! Also #SNEAKPEEK of #staking updates... Read all here: https://blog.dentacoin.com/den...

💰 您是否一直想知道如何在@optimmpbc上廉价获得#ETH?无需担心-本周我们为您提供了#解决方案!还有#偷看#锁定更新。。。阅读此处的全部内容:https://blog.dentacoin.com/den...

发表时间:1年前 作者:Dentacoin @dentacoin详情

#Staking #BigUpdate - Coming SOON⏱️
>> BUY & STAKE in 1 transaction - save on transaction fees and get 5% BONUS on the amount you purchase.
>> #SWAP & #STAKE in 1 transaction - this will allow fast and easy staking of #DCN on #EthereumMainnet! https://t.co/EAvCK1meGF


发表时间:1年前 作者:Dentacoin @dentacoin详情

keep in mind that this ain't the only exciting #update today 👀 stay tuned for more #projectupdates later today!

请记住,这不是今天唯一令人兴奋的更新👀 今天晚些时候,请继续关注更多#项目更新!

发表时间:1年前 作者:Dentacoin @dentacoin详情

👉 Now users can buy #ETH on Optimism directly from the #Dentacoin Wallet with their national currency. This will allow quick and easy access to Optimistic Ethers, which are used to cover transactional fees for staking, swapping, or sending #DCN.
https://blog.dentacoin.com/buy... https://t.co/OzxdjJfXtu

👉 现在,用户可以用本国货币直接从#Dentacoin钱包购买#ETH on optimization。这将允许快速方便地访问乐观以太网,用于支付赌注、交换或发送#DCN的交易费用。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Dentacoin @dentacoin详情

@Out_of_Czech Yea, we do 😏 And just in the last year we have grown with 100 real-life partners around the globe who use #DCN in their #dental practice...so you might wanna keep an eye on us buddy!

@在捷克之外是的😏 就在去年,我们与全球100位在牙科实践中使用DCN的现实伴侣一起成长。。。所以你可能想监视我们伙计!

发表时间:1年前 作者:Dentacoin @dentacoin详情

🧐 Our community might have noticed a rapid expansion of #DCN in #Nigeria. No wonder on that part, as according to the research, Nigeria has a 35% of #cryptoadoption rate. 1/2

🧐 我们的社区可能已经注意到#DCN在#尼日利亚的快速扩张。难怪在这方面,根据研究,尼日利亚有35%的加密采用率。1/2

发表时间:1年前 作者:Dentacoin @dentacoin详情

🙌 Today we are proud to welcome M.S Dental & Diagnosis Center as our latest partner from the African continent.
https://blog.dentacoin.com/gre... https://t.co/zTl1yLG8Ln

🙌 今天,我们很荣幸地欢迎M.S牙科和;诊断中心是我们来自非洲大陆的最新合作伙伴。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Dentacoin @dentacoin详情

We have some #BigUpdate coming in tomorrow! 😎
Can you guess what it could be ...
Tell us in the comments 👇


发表时间:1年前 作者:Dentacoin @dentacoin详情

📝 Someone wrote something on the Internet. Do you immediately believe it, or do you take it with a pinch of salt? How do you fact-check the health information you read? Share your practices here: https://dentavox.dentacoin.com...

📝 有人在互联网上写了一些东西。你是立即相信它,还是带着一撮盐?你如何检查你阅读的健康信息?在此处分享您的做法:https://dentavox.dentacoin.com...

发表时间:1年前 作者:Dentacoin @dentacoin详情

😲 Today we welcome, not ONE but TWO new partners! Yes, #DCN is growing rapidly, but why? Prof. Dr. Feroze Ali Kalhoro, co-owner of the elite F&J Dental Clinic, shares his views on the topic of Dentacoin adoption...
👉 https://blog.dentacoin.com/the... https://t.co/Its8e7cSEd

😲 今天,我们欢迎的不是一个而是两个新的合作伙伴!是的,#DCN正在快速增长,但为什么?elite F&;J牙科诊所,分享了他对齿龈酸钙采用的观点。。。
👉 https://blog.dentacoin.com/the...https://t.co/Its8e7cSEd

发表时间:1年前 作者:Dentacoin @dentacoin详情

@cryptopeabbo what do you mean ? We been watching it and more👀


发表时间:1年前 作者:Dentacoin @dentacoin详情

@imcryptohustler @discord thanks for sharing 🙌


发表时间:1年前 作者:Dentacoin @dentacoin详情

@imcryptohustler keep an eye on us, there's not gonna be bear season forever 🐻


发表时间:1年前 作者:Dentacoin @dentacoin详情

#decentralized healthcare for all thanks to #blockchain systems! What do you think 👀 https://twitter.com/kucoincom/...

What's the next BIG trend in #crypto? 🤔

发表时间:1年前 作者:KUCOIN @kucoincom

#得益于区块链系统,所有人都能享受到分散的医疗保健!你觉得怎么样👀 https://twitter.com/kucoincom/...


发表时间:1年前 作者:Dentacoin @dentacoin详情

@kucoincom decentralized healthcare systems and open healthcare to all!


发表时间:1年前 作者:Dentacoin @dentacoin详情

By the recent poll results...it seems like almost 50% of you do not use @discord 😲 interesting then, what platforms do you use to get #cryptoupdate ? Share 👇 https://twitter.com/dentacoin/...

How often do you use @discord ? 👀

发表时间:1年前 作者:Dentacoin @dentacoin

根据最近的民意调查结果。。。看起来你们中几乎有50%的人不使用“discord”😲 有趣的是,您使用什么平台来获取#cryptoupdate?共有👇 https://twitter.com/dentacoin/...


发表时间:1年前 作者:Dentacoin @dentacoin详情

🇵🇰 Dentacoin Partner Network is growing rapidly day by day in Pakistan. Dr. Baloch’s Noor Dental Clinic is the 22nd location that adopted DCN in the country.
👉 Dr. Baloch is excited to introduce Dentacoin benefits to his patients!
Read more here: https://blog.dentacoin.com/new... https://t.co/lCEmiLaXnr

🇵🇰 Dentacoin合作伙伴网络在巴基斯坦日益迅速发展。Baloch博士的Noor牙科诊所是该国第22家采用DCN的诊所。
👉 Baloch博士很高兴向他的患者介绍Dentacoin的益处!

发表时间:1年前 作者:Dentacoin @dentacoin详情

How often do you use @discord ? 👀


发表时间:1年前 作者:Dentacoin @dentacoin详情

If you are not yet convinced that #crypto is taking over the world... Shoutout to @nayibbukele for hosting this event 🙌 https://twitter.com/nayibbukel...

Central bankers and financial regulators from 44 countries enjoying their second day of talks about financial inclusion, banking the unbanked, and #Bitcoin adoption in @Bitcoinbeach and in El Salvador 🇸🇻 https://t.co/OVgpwaUNyO

发表时间:1年前 作者:Nayib Bukele @nayibbukele

如果您还不确信加密技术正在接管世界。。。欢迎@nayibbukele主办此次活动🙌 https://twitter.com/nayibbukel...

来自44个国家的央行行长和金融监管机构正在享受第二天关于金融包容、无银行账户的银行业务以及@Bitcoinbeach和萨尔瓦多采用比特币的会谈🇸🇻 https://t.co/OVgpwaUNyO

发表时间:1年前 作者:Dentacoin @dentacoin详情

🤩 We are excited to continue expanding our partnerships in Africa! Our new partner is Dr. Andrew Omwansi from Nigeria, owner of a Global Smile Dental Clinic. Let’s hear what he has to say about Dentacoin’s implementation at his practice.
👉https://blog.dentacoin.com/doc... https://t.co/KPmITopRaF

🤩 我们很高兴继续扩大我们在非洲的伙伴关系!我们的新合作伙伴是来自尼日利亚的安德鲁·奥姆万西博士,他是一家全球微笑牙科诊所的老板。让我们听听他对丹塔康在其诊所的实施有何看法。
👉https://blog.dentacoin.com/doc... https://t.co/KPmITopRaF

发表时间:1年前 作者:Dentacoin @dentacoin详情