用户 Dentacoin(@ dentacoin) 的最新消息

🤩 88,888,888 #DCN will be shared between our most loyal community members! But how? In our latest TikTok video we tell you all about our big #Staking milestone goal, and how by helping us achieve it you can become a #millionaire!

🤩 8888888#DCN将由我们最忠诚的社区成员共享!但是怎么做呢?在我们最新的TikTok视频中,我们将向您介绍我们的重大里程碑目标,以及通过帮助我们实现这一目标,您将如何成为百万富翁!

发表时间:2年前 作者:Dentacoin @dentacoin详情

😴 Respondents are certain that not getting enough sleep negatively impacts one's health, as well as other life areas such as work and relationships. However, just 13% of them have ever tracked their sleep.
➡️ Find more research results: https://dentavox.dentacoin.com... https://t.co/l5H4QQyzAn

😴 受访者确信睡眠不足会对健康以及工作和人际关系等其他生活领域产生负面影响。然而,只有13%的人曾经追踪过自己的睡眠。
➡️ 查找更多研究结果:https://dentavox.dentacoin.com... https://t.co/l5H4QQyzAn

发表时间:2年前 作者:Dentacoin @dentacoin详情

@kucoincom @optimismPBC Way to go, @optimismPBC ! 👏 Congrats!

@kucoincom@optimismPBC前进之路@optimismPBC!👏 恭喜!

发表时间:2年前 作者:Dentacoin @dentacoin详情

🙌 Without a doubt, the biggest news this week is the Public Beta release of Dentacoin Wallet's integration of WalletConnect. Also, as the weekend is approaching we cannot miss sharing with you some info on our latest highlights, and our new partner. ➡️

🙌 毫无疑问,本周最大的新闻是Dentacoin钱包与WalletConnect集成的公测版。此外,随着周末的临近,我们不能错过与您分享我们最新的亮点,以及我们的新合作伙伴的一些信息。➡️

发表时间:2年前 作者:Dentacoin @dentacoin详情

🙌 We are happy to announce Dentacoin Wallet’s integration with @WalletConnect, now in #PublicBeta. Why is the #update important? It will enable using Dentacoin Staking platform directly with Dentacoin Wallet app! https://blog.dentacoin.com/pub...

🙌 我们很高兴地宣布,Dentacoin Wallet与@WalletConnect集成,目前已进入#PublicBeta。为什么#更新很重要?它将允许直接与Dentacoin钱包应用程序一起使用Dentacoin锁紧平台!https://blog.dentacoin.com/pub...

发表时间:2年前 作者:Dentacoin @dentacoin详情

⚗️ Every new treatment or medication undergoes trials. Are you willing to support science by joining such trials? What would motivate you to participate? How about health research? Get rewarded for answering: https://dentavox.dentacoin.com...

⚗️ 每一种新的治疗或药物都要经过试验。你愿意通过参加这样的试验来支持科学吗?什么会激励你参与?健康研究怎么样?回答以下问题获得奖励:https://dentavox.dentacoin.com...

发表时间:2年前 作者:Dentacoin @dentacoin详情

🌏 Do you think that all people deserve access to dental services? If you do, you might consider joining Dentacoin. See our latest partner thoughts on the topic and how can #DCN adoption can help! https://blog.dentacoin.com/den... https://t.co/28jGv4h6k4

🌏 你认为所有人都应该获得牙科服务吗?如果你这样做,你可以考虑加入Dentacoin。看看我们合作伙伴对这个话题的最新想法,以及#DCN的采用能有什么帮助!https://blog.dentacoin.com/den... https://t.co/28jGv4h6k4

发表时间:2年前 作者:Dentacoin @dentacoin详情

💄 Plastic corrections here and there, artificial or whitened teeth, above-budget clothes or cosmetics, restrictive diets... What are you willing to do in the name of beauty? Take our latest survey to share your views: https://dentavox.dentacoin.com...

💄 到处都是整形矫正,假牙或美白牙齿,超预算的衣服或化妆品,限制性饮食。。。你愿意以美丽的名义做什么?以我们最新的调查分享您的观点:https://dentavox.dentacoin.com...

发表时间:2年前 作者:Dentacoin @dentacoin详情

Show your support by tagging @Dentacoin #DCN in #Huobi latest post 🙌 https://twitter.com/HuobiGloba...

Tag your favorite #crypto projects👇👇👇
We'll follow some that respond!

发表时间:2年前 作者:Huobi @HuobiGlobal

通过在@Dentacoin#DCN#Huobi最新帖子中添加标签来表示您的支持🙌 https://twitter.com/HuobiGloba...


发表时间:2年前 作者:Dentacoin @dentacoin详情

👀... let us know! https://twitter.com/HuobiGloba...

Tag your favorite #crypto projects👇👇👇
We'll follow some that respond!

发表时间:2年前 作者:Huobi @HuobiGlobal

👀... 让我们知道!https://twitter.com/HuobiGloba...


发表时间:2年前 作者:Dentacoin @dentacoin详情

@OracleAltcoin Thank you very much for the thoughtful and well-put research! 🙌 May healthcare be in the hands of the people

@OracleAltcoin非常感谢您的深思熟虑和精心研究!🙌 愿医疗保健掌握在人民手中

发表时间:2年前 作者:Dentacoin @dentacoin详情

Thank you for voting in our poll! We are happy to share that very soon you will be able to #stake #DCN from your Dentacoin #cryptowallet 🥳 https://twitter.com/dentacoin/...

What should be added next to Dentacoin Staking?
To Stake:

发表时间:2年前 作者:Dentacoin @dentacoin

感谢您在我们的投票中投票!我们很高兴与大家分享,很快您就可以从您的Dentacin加密钱包中#Stack#DCN了🥳 https://twitter.com/dentacoin/...


发表时间:2年前 作者:Dentacoin @dentacoin详情

💊 Baking soda seems to be a to-go "medication" for stomach issues with 39% of respondents believing it treats them most successfully. Another 24% think it's best for oral health issues, specifically against yellow teeth.➡️ Find more research results: https://dentavox.dentacoin.com... https://t.co/wNk66CGh0Q

💊 小苏打似乎是治疗胃部疾病的一种常用“药物”,39%的受访者认为它能最有效地治疗胃部疾病。另有24%的人认为这对口腔健康问题最好,尤其是对黄牙。➡️ 查找更多研究结果:https://dentavox.dentacoin.com... https://t.co/wNk66CGh0Q

发表时间:2年前 作者:Dentacoin @dentacoin详情

💰 We know that you love to earn rewards… just like anyone else. That’s why Dentacoin has prepared for YOU – special milestone prizes for the Dentacoin Staking pool! We tell you all about them in today's weekly. https://blog.dentacoin.com/den...

💰 我们知道你和其他人一样,喜欢获得奖励。这就是为什么Dentacoin为您准备了——Dentacoin赌注池的特殊里程碑奖!我们将在今天的每周新闻中向大家介绍它们。https://blog.dentacoin.com/den...

发表时间:2年前 作者:Dentacoin @dentacoin详情

“This new blockchain technology is so exciting to use, and I am sure that it has the potential to change dentistry as we know it.”, further shared the award-winning prosthodontics specialist Dr. Vikhe. Learn all about Dentacoins adoption at his clinic. https://blog.dentacoin.com/dr-... https://t.co/Nu4dhKO9GF

“这种新的区块链技术使用起来非常激动人心,我相信它有可能改变我们所知道的牙科。”,进一步分享获奖的口腔修复专家Vikhe博士。在他的诊所了解所有关于Dentacoins收养的信息。https://blog.dentacoin.com/dr-... https://t.co/Nu4dhKO9GF

发表时间:2年前 作者:Dentacoin @dentacoin详情

🔥 #DCN is giving out #Staking Milestone rewards to all our most loyal stakers in the pool. What to expect?
➡️ Pool milestones:
10B DCN - prizes to share 88,888,888 DCN
25B DCN - prizes to share 128,888,888 DCN
50B DCN - prizes to share 258,888,888 DCN
https://stakedcn.com/ https://t.co/tc4PO2Jr9Y

🔥 #DCN将向泳池中所有最忠诚的赌客发放#赌注里程碑奖励。期待什么?
➡️ 泳池里程碑:
10B DCN-分享8888888 DCN的奖品
25B DCN-分享128888888 DCN的奖品
50B DCN-共享258888888 DCN的奖品
https://stakedcn.com/ https://t.co/tc4PO2Jr9Y

发表时间:2年前 作者:Dentacoin @dentacoin详情

@SerbestPiyasa Hi, we learned the news about this option yesterday and shared the post.


发表时间:2年前 作者:Dentacoin @dentacoin详情

👨‍⚕️ Quality dental care does not end when you leave the clinic. The leading medical journal Dentistry Today shares with readers the importance of aftercare in treatment, as they discuss recent DentaVox stats on the topic. ➡️ Read the full article: https://www.dentistrytoday.com... https://t.co/X1PLeKumJD

👨‍⚕️ 优质的牙科护理不会在你离开诊所时结束。领先的医学杂志《今日牙科》与读者分享了善后护理在治疗中的重要性,因为他们讨论了最近关于该主题的DentaVox统计数据。➡️ 阅读全文:https://www.dentistrytoday.com... https://t.co/X1PLeKumJD

发表时间:2年前 作者:Dentacoin @dentacoin详情

@SerbestPiyasa There is a detailed support article here: https://support.dentacoin.com/...
To stake for the first time, you need about 2$ in ETH on Optimism.


发表时间:2年前 作者:Dentacoin @dentacoin详情

What should be added next to Dentacoin Staking?
To Stake:


发表时间:2年前 作者:Dentacoin @dentacoin详情