DOT 的最新消息

6/ Blockchain interoperability has become a reality within Polkadot this year thanks to XCM, short for Cross-Consensus Messaging.
Parachains are already sending more than 10k messages EVERY DAY. The next major XCM upgrade should be ready by the end of the year...

6/ 得益于 XCM(Cross-Consensus Messaging 的缩写),今年 Polkadot 内部的区块链互操作性已成为现实。
平行链已经每天发送超过 1 万条消息。下一次主要的 XCM 升级应该在今年年底前准备好......

发表时间:1年前 作者:Polkadot @Polkadot详情

7/ With the release of XCMv3, parachains, as well as their associated contracts and applications, would benefit from significant added functionality.
This will include support for bridging to external networks, improved fee payments for operations and NFT transfers

7/ 随着 XCMv3 的发布,平行链及其相关的合约和应用程序将受益于重要的附加功能。
这将包括对桥接外部网络的支持、改进的运营费用支付和 NFT 转移

发表时间:1年前 作者:Polkadot @Polkadot详情

4/ PARATHREADS will make it easier than ever before to build in the Polkadot ecosystem.
These are best described as “pay-as-you-go” parachains that give you the power of starting a blockchain with the ease of launching a smart contract.

4/ PARATHREADS 将使构建 Polkadot 生态系统变得比以往任何时候都更容易。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Polkadot @Polkadot详情

5/ Parathreads provide a simple entry point for launching an L1 chain on top of Polkadot & Kusama and they're just as secure as parachains.
They can be seamlessly upgraded into full parachains with guaranteed capacity and are estimated to be ready for launch in Q1/Q2 2023

5/ 平行线程为在 Polkadot 之上启动 L1 链提供了一个简单的入口点

发表时间:1年前 作者:Polkadot @Polkadot详情

2/ Asynchronous Backing will cut the block time for parachains down to 6 seconds from 12 and increase block space by 5-10x, hugely enhancing scalability.
This will increase the amount of work every chain can do AND optimize network performance, allowing scope for more parachains

2/ 异步支持将平行链的出块时间从 12 秒减少到 6 秒,并将块空间增加 5-10 倍,极大地增强了可扩展性。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Polkadot @Polkadot详情

3/ It’s estimated this will take the transactions-per-second capacity of the network to between 100k and one million without affecting security.
Asynchronous Backing could be ready for deployment on @kusamanetwork by the end of 2022 and then on Polkadot, pending audits & testing

3/ 据估计,这将使网络的每秒交易量达到 100k 到 100 万之间,而不会影响安全性。
到 2022 年底,异步支持可以在 @kusamanetwork 上部署,然后在 Polkadot 上部署,等待审核

发表时间:1年前 作者:Polkadot @Polkadot详情

1/ Everyone loves a roadmap, right? Well guess what — Polkadot founder @rphmeier has shared some exciting insights into proposals for a series of major upgrades.
Head straight to the blog or read this 🧵for the highlights!

1/ 每个人都喜欢路线图,对吧?好吧,猜猜看——Polkadot 创始人 @rphmeier 分享了一些关于一系列重大升级提案的令人兴奋的见解。
直接前往博客或阅读此文🧵以了解亮点! 发表时间:1年前 作者:Polkadot @Polkadot详情

Applications for the second edition of the #PolkadotDevCamp are open!
Apply before October 23rd to learn about Polkadot and parachain development, smart contracts in @substrate_io, XCM, and more.
Places are limited! To check the guidelines and to apply 👇


发表时间:1年前 作者:Polkadot @Polkadot详情

Hear @Web3foundation's @DrW3RK explaining the current Polkadot's governance and what will change with the Gov2.
To take a deeper look into how Polkadot’s next generation of decentralized governance work:

What is @Polkadot’s next generation of decentralized governance (Gov2), and what issues with the current governance system does it aim to solve?
Hear from Web3 Foundation`s @DrW3RK at @MessariCrypto's #Mainnet2022 to learn about Gov2 & how it works:

发表时间:1年前 作者:Web3 Foundation @Web3foundation

听听 @Web3foundation 的 @DrW3RK 解释当前 Polkadot 的治理以及 Gov2 将发生什么变化。
深入了解 Polkadot 的下一代去中心化治理如何运作: < a href="" target="_blank">

@Polkadot 的下一代去中心化治理(Gov2)是什么,它旨在解决当前治理系统的哪些问题?
在@MessariCrypto 上听取 Web3 Foundation 的 @DrW3RK 的意见

发表时间:1年前 作者:Polkadot @Polkadot详情

Join @BillLaboon of @Web3foundation for an AMA on Reddit this Friday, October 7th at 1pm UTC.
Feel free to ask any questions you may have about Polkadot and more ⤵️

加入 @Web3foundation 的 @BillLaboon 参加 Reddit 上的 AMA,时间为 10 月 7 日星期五下午 1 点 UTC。
如有任何关于 Polkadot 等的问题,请随时提出 ⤵️

发表时间:1年前 作者:Polkadot @Polkadot详情

RT: THREAD - @Polkadot #PolkadotDigest 6 Oct 2022
#Polkadot News
Have any questions about Polkadot or Kusama? I am holding an AMA tomorrow on Reddit at 15.00 CET ( 13.00 UTC ) .


发表时间:1年前 作者:Polkadot @Polkadot详情

9/ UI has also been a big consideration, with a redesign aimed to solve accessibility and readability issues from the previous iteration. Key changes include
• A new help icon
• A searchable validators page with a dedicated search bar
• An ever-present accounts button

9/ UI 也是一个重要的考虑因素,重新设计旨在解决上一次迭代的可访问性和可读性问题。主要变化包括
• 新的帮助图标
• 带有专用搜索栏的可搜索验证器页面
• 永远存在的帐户按钮

发表时间:1年前 作者:Polkadot @Polkadot详情

8/ To make it easier to discover and nominate validators, you will be shown 4 options to choose validators
• Optimal selection - 75% active & 25% inactive validators
• Active low commission - validators who prioritize low commission
• Favorited validators
• Manual selection

8/ 为了更容易发现和提名验证者,您将看到 4 个选项来选择验证者
• 最佳选择 - 75% 活跃

发表时间:1年前 作者:Polkadot @Polkadot详情

7/ Other notable pool features 🗒️
• A step-by-step pool creation process
• A pool stats module outlining the current state of the pool
• A list of all pools & their member count
• Search for pools
• Join or create a pool, then browse all members & see how much they've bonded

7/ 其他值得注意的泳池功能🗒️
• 逐步创建池的过程
• 一个池统计模块,概述池的当前状态
• 所有池的列表

发表时间:1年前 作者:Polkadot @Polkadot详情

5/ Pool owners also have the option to rename the pool which will set the pool’s metadata on-chain and work as the display name. Owners can be as creative as they want with special characters including emojis ✨

5/ 池所有者还可以选择重命名池,这将在链上设置池的元数据并用作显示名称。所有者可以使用包括表情符号在内的特殊字符随心所欲地发挥创意✨

发表时间:1年前 作者:Polkadot @Polkadot详情

6/ Owners can also manage pool states between “locked” or “destroying”. When locked, new members can't join, & the owner can permissionlessly unbond & withdraw other pool members. Destroying is when a pool is closing down, allowing members to permissionlessly unbond and withdraw

6/ 所有者还可以管理“锁定”或“销毁”之间的池状态。锁定后,新成员无法加入,

发表时间:1年前 作者:Polkadot @Polkadot详情

4/ With nomination pools, anyone can claim rewards that are generated per era. Once a pool receives a payout, it becomes instantly claimable by all pool members. You can then either withdraw funds to your account or re-bond them back into the pool.

4/ 有了提名池,任何人都可以领取每个时代产生的奖励。一旦矿池收到付款,所有矿池成员都可以立即索取。然后,您可以将资金提取到您的帐户或将其重新绑定回池中。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Polkadot @Polkadot详情

2/ Nomination pools are now fully supported in the staking dashboard and you can test-drive the feature on Westend and @kusamanetwork 🙌
The pools will soon be enabled on Polkadot and then the staking dashboard will be ready for you to create, join and manage pools

2/ 质押仪表板现在完全支持提名池,您可以在 Westend 和 @kusamanetwork 上试用该功能🙌
池将很快在 Polkadot 上启用,然后 Staking 仪表板将准备好供您创建、加入和管理池

发表时间:1年前 作者:Polkadot @Polkadot详情

3/ All nomination pools are natively hosted on-chain and are part of the Polkadot runtime, so they are upgradable, secure, and fully embedded as part of the Relay Chain.
So what else can you do beyond joining or creating a pool? Let’s break down some more of the features

3/ 所有提名池都原生托管在链上,并且是 Polkadot 运行时的一部分,因此它们是可升级的、安全的,并且作为中继链的一部分完全嵌入。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Polkadot @Polkadot详情