Unobtanium 的最新消息

@CalvinAyre fuck off pervert

@CalvinAyre 滚开变态

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

@Dr_CSWright @Streaming_Sats Hey... quick question....
Which one should have been worried about Michelle?

@Dr_CSWright @Streaming_Sats 嘿......快速提问......

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

That's how you start a Monday. ☸️

这就是你星期一开始的方式。 ☸️

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

@Dr_CSWright My attorney of record is @OsinskiLaw.
Bring it.

@Dr_CSWright 我的记录律师是@OsinskiLaw。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

Let me be clear, @Dr_CSWright will never allow me to be deposed.
He will talk big but in the end will never follow through.
He does not want what I have to say on record, ever.

让我明确一点,@Dr_CSWright 永远不会让我被废黜。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

@DezzaDeee @AlMorrell76 @Streaming_Sats The court never forced CSW to prove he had the assets in question, so they did not make any such determination.
Sycophants who do not understand the US legal process call this a "win".

@DezzaDeee @AlMorrell76 @Streaming_Sats 法院从未强迫 CSW 证明他拥有相关资产,因此他们没有做出任何此类决定。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

@AlMorrell76 @DezzaDeee @Streaming_Sats Actually, they didn't know.
Ira had the hard drive and still didn't know if CSW had the coins or not, but he had proof of a business arrangement which was proved to be true.
Why didn't Ira have any code?

@AlMorrell76 @DezzaDeee @Streaming_Sats 实际上,他们不知道。
Ira 有硬盘驱动器,但仍然不知道 CSW 是否有硬币,但他有证明是真实的商业安排的证据。
为什么 Ira 没有任何代码?

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

@Dr_CSWright @Streaming_Sats Prove it or shut the fuck up.

@Dr_CSWright @Streaming_Sats 证明它或闭嘴。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

@Dr_CSWright @Streaming_Sats I have no idea what you're talking about.
Clearly you don't, either.

@Dr_CSWright @Streaming_Sats 我不知道你在说什么。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

@Dr_CSWright @SvVoyo @Streaming_Sats Because the one person in the world you cannot sue is the real Satoshi Nakamoto.
I am an existential threat to your entire fame and fortune and there's nothing you can do about it but cry on Twitter.

@Dr_CSWright @SvVoyo @Streaming_Sats 因为世界上你不能起诉的人是真正的中本聪。
我对你的整个名誉和财富构成了生存威胁,除了在 Twitter 上哭泣之外,你无能为力。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

@Dr_CSWright @Streaming_Sats 25% isn't owned by you. You're a thief.
What tech did you steal, I wonder?
You never contributed any evidence as to what it was.
$100M in damages. Did you pay it?

@Dr_CSWright @Streaming_Sats 25% 不归你所有。你是个小偷。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

@MarkPea07153819 @Streaming_Sats As the next of kin. It's what allowed him to bring suit in the first place.
Please get out of my notifications with your nonsense.

@MarkPea07153819 @Streaming_Sats 作为近亲。这就是让他首先提起诉讼的原因。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

@Brendan_Lee__ @Streaming_Sats No need for anything insightful. It's quite drole in the details.

@Brendan_Lee__ @Streaming_Sats 不需要任何有见地的东西。它在细节上很有趣。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

@MarkPea07153819 @SvVoyo @Streaming_Sats @Dr_CSWright Except by lawyers.

@MarkPea07153819 @SvVoyo @Streaming_Sats @Dr_CSWright 律师除外。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

@Brendan_Lee__ @Streaming_Sats There's no need.

@Brendan_Lee__ @Streaming_Sats 没必要。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情

Come at me, bro.
I've been waiting for you.

Thanks Bryce,
I did not ever see your system... Until now.
I notice that you are using Intellectual Property associated with granted @nChainGlobal patents.
While your implementation is rather flawed, we will be in touch to discuss licensing and the years of use of our tech.

发表时间:1年前 作者:Dr Craig S Wright @Dr_CSWright
发表时间:1年前 作者:Brrrrryce Weiner @BryceWeiner详情