用户 Komodo(@ KomodoPlatform) 的最新消息

13/19 @BitTorrent
Inventor: @bramcohen
#BitTorrent is a communication protocol built using a distributed hash table (DHT) functionality. This networking layer facilitates #P2P file sharing, enabling the distribution of data and electronic files over the internet. https://t.co/2Kbe787adk

13/19 @BitTorrent

发表时间:1年前 作者:Komodo @KomodoPlatform详情

12/19 #Gnutella overcame the limitations of the central indexing servers, which often resulted in service interruptions by allowing users to find and connect remotely by employing a query flooding model which broadcasts each search to a successively wider network of machines. https://t.co/wyCZw4TFck


发表时间:1年前 作者:Komodo @KomodoPlatform详情

11/19 Gnutella
Inventors: @JustinFrankel and Tom Pepper
Gnutella is a peer-to-peer network protocol. Founded in 2000, it was the most popular file-sharing network on the Internet, with an estimated market share of more than 40% by 2007. https://t.co/yCsgTUNMy2

11/19 Gnutella
发明者:@JustinFrankel 和 Tom Pepper
Gnutella 是一种对等网络协议。它成立于 2000 年,是 Internet 上最受欢迎的文件共享网络,到 2007 年估计市场份额超过 40%。 https://t.co/yCsgTUNMy2

发表时间:1年前 作者:Komodo @KomodoPlatform详情

10/19 4️⃣ @Napster
Inventors: @sparker and @shawnfanning
For many, @Napster was the first #P2P music sharing platform, generating spin-off companies like @AudioGalaxy @Limewire, and promoting the next era of peer-to-peer network architecture. https://t.co/ZDy9woXwtm

10/19 4️⃣ @Napster
发明者:@sparker 和 @shawnfanning
对于许多人来说,@Napster 是第一个

发表时间:1年前 作者:Komodo @KomodoPlatform详情

9/19 3️⃣ User Network #Usenet
Inventors: Tom Truscott + Jim Ellis
In 1979, Usenet was a precursor to modern online forums, it resembles a bulletin board system where discussions are threaded. However, unlike web forums, #Usenet did not have a central server or a dedicated admin. https://t.co/zW1VP91XEa

9/19 3️⃣ 用户网络

发表时间:1年前 作者:Komodo @KomodoPlatform详情

8/19 2️⃣ ARCnet
Inventor: John Murphy
Emerging soon after LAN technology, the Attached Resource Computer network joined the interconnectivity movement in 1977. Although initially developed to connect groups of terminals, it served as a building block for the entire ecosystem. https://t.co/6q8gajjc3q

8/19 2️⃣ ARCnet
在 LAN 技术之后不久出现的附加资源计算机网络于 1977 年加入了互连运动。虽然最初是为了连接终端组而开发的,但它是整个生态系统的构建块。 https://t.co/6q8gajjc3q

发表时间:1年前 作者:Komodo @KomodoPlatform详情

7/19 Operating as a packet-switching network (compressed files sent over a network and decompressed on the other side), the ARPANET was the first platform to implement the TCP/IP protocol suite. https://t.co/UPxy1s2FMU

7/19 作为分组交换网络运行(压缩文件通过网络发送并在另一端解压缩),ARPANET 是第一个实现 TCP/IP 协议套件的平台。 https://t.co/UPxy1s2FMU

发表时间:1年前 作者:Komodo @KomodoPlatform详情

6/19 1️⃣ ARPANET
Inventor: Bob Taylor
The Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) was originally established in 1969 to connect @UCLA, @Stanford, @ucsantabarbara, and @UUtah. https://t.co/rZwUDDQOK2

6/19 1️⃣ 阿帕网
高级研究计划署网络 (ARPANET) 最初成立于 1969 年,用于连接 @UCLA、@Stanford、@ucsantabarbara 和 @UUtah。 https://t.co/rZwUDDQOK2

发表时间:1年前 作者:Komodo @KomodoPlatform详情

5/19 The peer-to-peer movement is rooted in the early internet, which gave birth to protocols and apps that changed our relationship to power and authority.
Let's explore some of them... https://t.co/3dvaaOe2ju

5/19 点对点运动植根于早期的互联网,它催生了改变我们与权力和权威关系的协议和应用程序。
让我们探索其中的一些...... https://t.co/3dvaaOe2ju

发表时间:1年前 作者:Komodo @KomodoPlatform详情

4/19 Extensive development leads to intensive development, and systems invest resources to cooperate and produce together. At the same time, everyone that joins in not only consumes resources but also provides them.
This is roughly analogous to the rationale behind peer-to-peer. https://t.co/TNSywPeOCo

4/19 粗放发展导致集约发展,系统投入资源共同合作生产。同时,每个加入的人不仅消耗资源,而且提供资源。
这大致类似于点对点背后的基本原理。 https://t.co/TNSywPeOCo

发表时间:1年前 作者:Komodo @KomodoPlatform详情

3/19 Alternative social systems that better put to use the potential of their internal resources thus begin to sprawl.
Why use enslaved people for only conquering when they can seed and grow a crop, policy the land, and much more? https://t.co/RQaZxz5Dd3

3/19 更好地利用其内部资源潜力的替代社会系统因此开始蔓延。
为什么只有在他们可以播种和种植庄稼、管理土地等等时才使用被奴役的人来征服? https://t.co/RQaZxz5Dd3

发表时间:1年前 作者:Komodo @KomodoPlatform详情

2/19 #Rome no longer able to grow in space through conquests; facing linearly increasing costs per-resource unit, the empire-machine becomes inefficient and vulnerable to competition.
Read "Peer- to-Peer and the feudal transition" via @mbauwens https://blog.p2pfoundation.net... https://t.co/TUm40xo4lV


发表时间:1年前 作者:Komodo @KomodoPlatform详情

A helpful metaphor to explain the paradigm shift from client-server architecture to #peertopeer is the change from slave-based #Rome to Western feudal societies because they also had trouble #scaling. https://t.co/SJdfcVsW3N

1/19 🧵 简史

发表时间:1年前 作者:Komodo @KomodoPlatform详情

RT: Inflate money supply = flood the market with credit
Money printer never stops = house prices go up exponentially
Number of homes remains linear = people who don't accept debt are priced out
Increase rates = real property foreclosures
https://twitter.com/dylanlecla... https://t.co/C5iWGkO6BG

印钞机永不停歇 = 房价成倍上涨
发表时间:1年前 作者:Komodo @KomodoPlatform详情

7/7 We hope you've found this thread interesting.
Follow @KomodoPlatform @AtomicDEX @0xca333 @Cosmos @CryptoSlate @andjelaradmilac @defi_naly
Like/Retweet the first tweet below if you can: https://twitter.com/KomodoPlat...

1/7 🧵Our @AtomicDEX bridge will connect @Cosmos to hundreds of blockchains!
It can support millions of swaps per minute from #Cosmos to other #UTXO and #EVM blockchains.
That's tens of thousands per second!
Read @andjelaradmilac @CryptoSlate article: https://cryptoslate.com/komodo...

发表时间:1年前 作者:🦎 Komodo @KomodoPlatform

7/7 我们希望你发现这个话题很有趣。
关注@KomodoPlatform @AtomicDEX @0xca333 @Cosmos @CryptoSlate @andjelaradmilac @defi_naly

1/7 🧵我们的@AtomicDEX 桥将@Cosmos 连接到数百个区块链!

发表时间:1年前 作者:Komodo @KomodoPlatform

6/7 Or the blog post we published earlier this year that touches on...
- Cosmos SDK
- Governance
- How To Stake #Cosmos

6/7 或者我们今年早些时候发布的博客文章涉及...
- 宇宙SDK
- 治理
- 如何质押

发表时间:1年前 作者:Komodo @KomodoPlatform详情

5/7 The @Cosmos integration will be available on the public alpha release of @AtomicDEX Web, which is expected to go live in Q4 2022.
Want to be the first to know when it's released?
Subscribe here: https://dashboard.mailerlite.c... https://t.co/YaLmLSYiyG

5/7 @Cosmos 集成将在 @AtomicDEX Web 的公开 alpha 版本中提供,预计将于 2022 年第四季度上线。
在这里订阅:https://dashboard.mailerlite.c... https: //t.co/YaLmLSYiyG

发表时间:1年前 作者:Komodo @KomodoPlatform详情

4/7 If you'd like to learn more about the @Cosmos ecosystem, you can read @defi_naly's mega thread that covers vision/tech, projects building, #tokenomics, and the road ahead.

The @cosmos ecosystem is flourishing.
$ATOM 2.0 is coming.
This is your ultimate guide.
A mega 🧵 https://t.co/uXoZd88aWS

发表时间:1年前 作者:naly @defi_naly

4/7 如果您想了解更多关于@Cosmos 生态系统的信息,您可以阅读@defi_naly 的主题帖,其中涵盖了愿景/技术、项目建设、

@cosmos 生态系统正在蓬勃发展。
$ATOM 2.0 即将到来。
超级🧵 https://t.co/uXoZd88aWS

发表时间:1年前 作者:Komodo @KomodoPlatform详情

3/7 @AtomicDEX uses peer-to-peer cross-chain #atomicswaps, removing security threats associated with centralized liquidity pools, #AMMs, and #smartcontracts.
And it allows users to hold and trade the native $ATOM token and its wrapped versions natively.

An alternative to #AMMs is #P2P which is completely trustless and decentralized without middlemen. Only one transaction goes in and out simultaneously per trade.
🧛🏻‍♀️ no liquidity pool to drain
❄️ nobody can freeze funds
🚦 nobody can stop your order
🔫 you can cancel anytime https://twitter.com/KomodoPlat...

发表时间:1年前 作者:🦎 Komodo @KomodoPlatform

3/7 @AtomicDEX 使用点对点跨链


发表时间:1年前 作者:Komodo @KomodoPlatform详情

2/7 The integration will provide the #Cosmos ecosystem with a permissionless and secure solution for trading & bridging with hundreds of blockchains, including #Bitcoin, #Ethereum, #Polygon, #Avalanche, and #Optimism. https://t.co/TzAvXRyGET

2/7 集成将提供

发表时间:1年前 作者:Komodo @KomodoPlatform详情