用户 ETC Cooperative(@ ETCCooperative) 的最新消息

RT: 📢#EthereumClassic is a leading proof-of-work blockchain with smart contracts and a strong adherence to immutability.
🔥#BitKeep is pleased to announce that we will soon support #ETC and #EthereumClassic ecosystem! Please stay tuned. https://t.co/TnQp8cIdzY


发表时间:1年前 作者:ETC Cooperative @ETCCooperative详情

RT: @BarrySilbert @ChandlerGuo @ETCCooperative ETC is way more straightforward and certain for miners. What’s the point to fork and make things complicated?

RT:@BarrySilbert @ChandlerGuo @ETCCooperative ETC 对矿工来说更加直接和确定。分叉并使事情变得复杂有什么意义?

发表时间:1年前 作者:ETC Cooperative @ETCCooperative详情

RT: @ChandlerGuo this is the smart play for ETH miners:
- indicate intent to move to ETC post merge to eliminate uncertainty
- less uncertainty = higher ETH price (& higher miner revenue until merge)
- follow AntPool lead and financially support ETC ecosystem (talk to @ETCCooperative)
- profit

RT:@ChandlerGuo 这是 ETH 矿工的明智之举:
- 表明打算在合并后转移到 ETC 以消除不确定性
- 更少的不确定性 = 更高的 ETH 价格(

发表时间:1年前 作者:ETC Cooperative @ETCCooperative详情

RT: @Galois_Capital fwiw, our full support is behind ETH PoS, in addition to ETC, and have zero intention to support any ETH PoW fork. ETH miners should move to ETC to maximize their revenue long term. simple as that

RT:@Galois_Capital fwiw,我们全力支持除了 ETC 之外的 ETH PoS,并且零意图支持任何 ETH PoW 分叉。 ETH 矿工应该转移到 ETC 以长期最大化他们的收入。就那么简单

发表时间:1年前 作者:ETC Cooperative @ETCCooperative详情

RT: #EthereumClassic Reinvigorated as Merge Approaches 🚀
$ETC up ~174% since July 13, as investors and traders speculate that the ‘#ETH Merge’ will redirect a significant portion of hashing power to the #PoW chain; the path of least resistance.
https://thedefiant.io/ethereum... @samuel_haig


发表时间:1年前 作者:ETC Cooperative @ETCCooperative详情

RT: Is @EthereumPoW a parody account?

RT:@EthereumPoW 是模仿账户吗?

发表时间:1年前 作者:ETC Cooperative @ETCCooperative详情

RT: It always does....$ETC https://t.co/6mN2d0rwgD

RT:总是这样......$ETC https://t.co/6mN2d0rwgD

发表时间:1年前 作者:ETC Cooperative @ETCCooperative详情

RT: Ethereum is now unforkable, thanks to DeFi: why there will never be another ETC-like fork.
A new Dragonfly research piece by @Lsquaredleland and myself. As DeFi becomes increasingly important, this has big implications for smart contract platforms.

RT:以太坊现在是不可分叉的,这要归功于 DeFi:为什么永远不会有另一个类似 ETC 的分叉。
https://medium.com/dragonfly-r ...
@Lsquaredleland 和我自己的新蜻蜓研究。随着 DeFi 变得越来越重要,这对智能合约平台产生了重大影响。

发表时间:1年前 作者:ETC Cooperative @ETCCooperative详情

RT: Anybody pondering the viability of a new Ethereum fork should read "Ethereum is now unforkable, thanks to DeFi" by @hosseeb and @Lsquaredleland from 2019.
It was a fantastic and insightful article back then, and even more relevant with today's rich Defi ecosystem.
Thanks, guys! https://twitter.com/hosseeb/st...

RT:任何思考新以太坊分叉可行性的人都应该阅读@hosseeb 和@Lsquaredleland 2019 年发表的“以太坊现在不可分叉,感谢 DeFi”。
在当时,这是一篇精彩而有见地的文章,与今天丰富的 Defi 生态系统更相关。
多谢你们! https://twitter.com/hosseeb/st...

发表时间:1年前 作者:ETC Cooperative @ETCCooperative详情

RT: That's great. @BITMAINtech, @AntPoolofficial, @Antminer_main et al, are pushing the envelope when it comes to mining $ETC and $BTC. From air-cooled setups in North Dakota, to liquid cooled mining farms down in Texas, and all over the USA.
Good things ahead for $ETC mining.⛏⚡️ https://twitter.com/BobSummerw...

RT:那太好了。 @BITMAINtech、@AntPoolofficial、@Antminer_main 等人在挖掘 $ETC 和 $BTC 时正在挑战极限。从北达科他州的风冷装置,到德克萨斯州和美国各地的液冷矿场。
$ETC 挖矿的好日子。⛏⚡️ https://twitter.com/BobSummerw...

发表时间:1年前 作者:ETC Cooperative @ETCCooperative详情

RT: So when @VitalikButerin said #EthereumClassic is a “totally fine chain”, he wasn’t wrong.
Prefer POW to POS? Head on over to ETC. It is a vastly better choice than forking @ethereum. That really is not going to go well. https://t.co/m6QECT1cIY

RT:所以当@VitalikButerin 说

发表时间:1年前 作者:ETC Cooperative @ETCCooperative详情

RT: Thank you @AntPoolofficial for your support of #ethereumclassic. It is hugely appreciated.
I had the pleasure of spending the day with @leonlv2028, Lucien, Rory and Lily today talking though ways to put the pledged funds to good use. Stay tuned! 😀
#WDMS2022 https://t.co/czeMrMFMbU


发表时间:1年前 作者:ETC Cooperative @ETCCooperative详情

RT: Let’s support the ETC ecosystem and incubate high-quality PoW projects together! https://twitter.com/BobSummerw...


发表时间:1年前 作者:ETC Cooperative @ETCCooperative详情

RT: Delighted to be in Miami today with @leonlv2028, CEO of @AntPoolofficial, as Antpool announced their $10M USD investment into the #ethereumclassic ecosystem! https://t.co/W65EoDuVyH


发表时间:1年前 作者:ETC Cooperative @ETCCooperative详情

Huge news for #ethereumclassic today.
We are collaborating with Antpool to work out how best to deploy these funds to support the ETC ecosystem.
Thank you, @AntPoolofficial! https://twitter.com/coindesk/s...

Ahead of #Ethereum's imminent move to proof-of-stake, @AntPoolofficial announced it has invested $10 million in the proof-of-work #EthereumClassic ecosystem and plans to invest more.
@egreechee reports from #WDMS2022

发表时间:1年前 作者:CoinDesk @CoinDesk



发表时间:1年前 作者:ETC Cooperative @ETCCooperative详情

RT: #BITMAIN #WDMS2022 #PoW panel discussion announcement @DarinFeinstein @ChaseLochmiller #EricYang @iggylai #Lucien #SteveKinard @bobsummerwill @Le_Xie_Energy @matthewdurnya @jswihart @xmei_lin See you in Miami soon! https://t.co/WX5Kpm42WN

RT:#BITMAIN#WDMS2022#PoW小组讨论公告@DarinFeinstein@ChaseLochmiller#EricYang@iggylai#Lucien#SteveKinard@bobsummerwill@Le_Xieu Energy@matthewdurnya@jswihart@xmei_lin迈阿密再见!https://t.co/WX5Kpm42WN

发表时间:1年前 作者:ETC Cooperative @ETCCooperative详情