用户 Kevin Feng(@ kfeng027) 的最新消息

WOOFi's $ETH supercharger on @0xPolygon is one of the best single-sided $ETH lending vault in DeFi now. https://t.co/I3anPU7c8W

WOOFi 在@0xPolygon 上的 $ETH 增压器是目前 DeFi 中最好的单面 $ETH 借贷保险库之一。 https://t.co/I3anPU7c8W

发表时间:1年前 作者:Kevin Feng @kfeng027详情

@DefiIgnas when AMMs expand multichain, the biggest challenge is how to incentivize TVL to capture meaningful volume without adding token inflation or issuing a new token.
PCS has way more monetization methods than other AMMs, so excited to see how their multichain expansion unfolds.

@DefiIgnas 当 AMM 扩展多链时,最大的挑战是如何激励 TVL 在不增加代币通胀或发行新代币的情况下获取有意义的交易量。
PCS 比其他 AMM 拥有更多的货币化方法,很高兴看到他们的多链扩展如何展开。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Kevin Feng @kfeng027详情

@TaikiMaeda2 Great contents as always. For uncollateralized lending, I'm more bullish special purpose over general purpose loan, especially onchain credits is still a meme. If the borrowed funds can be sent to anywhere, we still run the risk no one knows things go wrong until it breaks.

@TaikiMaeda2 一如既往的精彩内容。对于无抵押贷款,我更看好特殊用途贷款而不是通用贷款,尤其是链上信用仍然是一个迷因。如果借来的资金可以发送到任何地方,我们仍然冒着风险,直到它坏了才知道事情会出错。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Kevin Feng @kfeng027详情

@cobie @AptosFoundation Scammers seeing this https://t.co/7ie9sxPMiA

@cobie @AptosFoundation 诈骗者看到这个 https://t.co/7ie9sxPMiA

发表时间:1年前 作者:Kevin Feng @kfeng027详情

@WOOnetwork I would have to buy a wife first if I win the 1 BTC

@WOOnetwork 如果我赢得 1 BTC,我将不得不先买一个妻子

发表时间:1年前 作者:Kevin Feng @kfeng027详情

The way DeFi protocols getting integrated in various info sites is really clunky atm, there should be a standard where project just need to develop one set of api or a github repo. all sites can just take it and integrate the data

DeFi 协议集成到各种信息站点的方式非常笨拙,应该有一个标准,项目只需要开发一组 api 或 github repo。所有站点都可以接受并整合数据

发表时间:1年前 作者:Kevin Feng @kfeng027详情

@coinmamba this

@coinmamba 这个

发表时间:1年前 作者:Kevin Feng @kfeng027详情

@cobie What if there is 10 trillions tokens 🤑

@cobie 如果有 10 万亿个代币怎么办🤑

发表时间:1年前 作者:Kevin Feng @kfeng027详情

When a blockchain ecosystem tries really hard to have a grand launch, we can at least farm it, better than buying VC bags.

当一个区块链生态系统真的很努力想要隆重推出时,我们至少可以耕种它,而不是购买 VC 包。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Kevin Feng @kfeng027详情

@avalancheavax has constantly been the biggest blockchain for WOOFi in terms of volume traded https://twitter.com/WOOnetwork...

Celebrating our history with #Avalanche
Read about our journey with @avalancheavax and complete the “learn and earn” to be 1 of 10 people each winning $1,000 in $AVAX 🤑
❄️5 people who RT this tweet will also each win $200 in $AVAX ❄️

发表时间:1年前 作者:WOO Network @WOOnetwork

就交易量而言,@avalancheavax 一直是 WOOFi 最大的区块链 https://twitter.com/WOOnetwork。 ..


发表时间:1年前 作者:Kevin Feng @kfeng027详情

@VechainNode did you switch to polygon network?

@VechainNode 你切换到多边形网络了吗?

发表时间:1年前 作者:Kevin Feng @kfeng027详情

@Marty_cFly my interest has been ever growing since i joined crypto

@Marty_cFly 自从我加入加密货币以来,我的兴趣一直在增长

发表时间:1年前 作者:Kevin Feng @kfeng027详情

where are the $MATIC whales? we offer the best place to HODL your $MATIC https://twitter.com/WOOnetwork... https://t.co/j4aG2WdMJP

14/ 😁 Thank you intern, I couldn’t have said it better myself

发表时间:1年前 作者:WOO Network @WOOnetwork

$MATIC 鲸鱼在哪里?我们提供最好的地方来 HODL 你的 $MATIC https://twitter.com/WOOnetwork... https://t.co/j4aG2WdMJP

14/ 😁 谢谢实习生,我自己说得再好不过了

发表时间:1年前 作者:Kevin Feng @kfeng027详情

@0xngmi @FinanceFirebird

@0xngmi @FinanceFirebird

发表时间:1年前 作者:Kevin Feng @kfeng027详情

Borrowing in @0xPolygon superchargers is ramping up. 80% of the funds have been utilized to provide liquidity in WOOFi. LP is paying over 11% for the borrowed $MATIC, and you can earn another 12% in $xWOO. https://t.co/ldH4DDwEct

借用@0xPolygon 增压器正在增加。 80% 的资金已用于为 WOOFi 提供流动性。 LP 为借来的 $MATIC 支付超过 11% 的费用,您可以在 $xWOO 中再赚取 12%。 https://t.co/ldH4DDwEct

发表时间:1年前 作者:Kevin Feng @kfeng027详情

👀 https://twitter.com/WOOnetwork... https://t.co/DLSQr2CXzt

Not just one, but THREE new Supercharger vaults? 😳
That’s right - @0xPolygon has joined the Supercharger family! Visit https://fi.woo.org/earn, connect to #Polygon, and deposit single-sided $MATIC, $USDC, or $ETH to earn competitive yield with ZERO impermanent loss 👇 (1/5) https://t.co/4aqhwNeiff

发表时间:1年前 作者:WOO Network @WOOnetwork

👀 https://twitter.com/WOOnetwork... https://t.co/ DLSQr2CXzt

不仅仅是一个,而是三个新的增压器保险库? 😳
没错——@0xPolygon 加入了 Supercharger 大家庭!访问 https://fi.woo.org/earn,连接到

发表时间:1年前 作者:Kevin Feng @kfeng027详情

RT: Insightful analysis. Although WOOFi also relies on Oracle price to quote, there are some key differences here which protect LP from such MEV https://twitter.com/Chainsight...

RT:有见地的分析。尽管 WOOFi 也依赖于 Oracle 价格报价,但这里有一些关键区别可以保护 LP 免受此类 MEV https:/ /twitter.com/Chainsight...

发表时间:1年前 作者:Kevin Feng @kfeng027详情

RT: For the CPI print in an hour, the market forecasts core CPI to rise 0.4% m/m and 6.5% y/y, and the headline CPI to have risen 0.2% m/m and 8.0% y/y. Here's four points to watch for⏬

RT:对于一小时内的 CPI 数据,市场预测核心 CPI 环比上涨 0.4%,同比上涨 6.5%,整体 CPI 环比上涨 0.2%,同比上涨 8.0%。这里有四点要注意⏬

发表时间:1年前 作者:Kevin Feng @kfeng027详情

@_khanhamzah @aerafinance ser you are pumping polygon alpha non-stop

@_khanhamzah @aerafinance ser,您正在不停地抽多边形 alpha

发表时间:1年前 作者:Kevin Feng @kfeng027详情

The profits of LP are passed to our users through the Supercharger vaults, where LP pays interests to borrow assets and provides liquidity in WOOFi.

LP 的利润通过 Supercharger 保险库传递给我们的用户,LP 支付利息以借入资产并提供 WOOFi 的流动性。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Kevin Feng @kfeng027详情