用户 Bitcoin(@ Bitcoin) 的最新消息

Stack those #Bitcoin stats as cheap as you can. https://t.co/eciZC3q2j4


发表时间:1年前 作者:Bitcoin @Bitcoin详情

RT: Spiral is a new Bitcoin block explorer that uses fully homomorphic encryption to guarantee the privacy of your balance lookups. https://btc.usespiral.com/

RT:Spiral 是一种新的比特币区块浏览器,它使用完全同态加密来保证您余额查找的隐私。 https://btc.usespiral.com/

发表时间:1年前 作者:Bitcoin @Bitcoin详情



发表时间:1年前 作者:Bitcoin @Bitcoin详情

Enjoying the 2020s so far? Which risk has a higher probability?


发表时间:1年前 作者:Bitcoin @Bitcoin详情

Never underestimate yourself. https://t.co/UsaNPqDo7k

永远不要低估自己。 https://t.co/UsaNPqDo7k

发表时间:1年前 作者:Bitcoin @Bitcoin详情

"Mommy, how does a stock go down 90% from the top?"
"Well, first it goes down 80% and then drops another 50% from there!"😏
Math! https://t.co/W1wvCzVgoL

“嗯,首先它下跌 80%,然后再下跌 50%!”😏
数学! https://t.co/W1wvCzVgoL

发表时间:1年前 作者:Bitcoin @Bitcoin详情

RT: @ErikVoorhees @krakenfx We couldn't have done it without each other. This industry was nothing 11 years ago and we all played our roles in moving crypto forward, keeping the enemy at bay. Few can comprehend the sacrifices, how hard it was before recent times. You were there and I salute you, ser 🫡

RT:@ErikVoorhees @krakenfx 如果没有彼此,我们无法做到。这个行业在 11 年前什么都不是,我们都在推动加密货币向前发展中发挥了作用,让敌人远离。很少有人能理解这些牺牲,在最近之前是多么艰难。你在那里,我向你致敬,爵士🫡

发表时间:1年前 作者:Bitcoin @Bitcoin详情

RT: #JesPoS seemed like less work. @krakenfx is in excellent hands with @DavidLRipley. I'll continue to be highly engaged as Chairman. Big thanks to the team for trusting me, our investors for taking a chance, and all my industry peers on the front lines. 🙇🏼‍♂️


发表时间:1年前 作者:Bitcoin @Bitcoin详情

Getting ready for October?😱 https://t.co/TzKV7m6AMr

准备好十月了吗?😱 https://t.co/TzKV7m6AMr

发表时间:1年前 作者:Bitcoin @Bitcoin详情

RT: Crypto distracts from what’s important.
Long term savings (#bitcoin) and focusing on aspects of your life that matter.
Crypto is yet another way to waste time, energy, effort and talent for little reward.


发表时间:1年前 作者:Bitcoin @Bitcoin详情

RT: Alameda's bitcoin-denominated loans from Voyager coincide with every major dump in the last few months.
(h/t @hellspawncrypto @arronschaar for the pictures) https://t.co/2fc7w3cVnE

RT:Alameda 从 Voyager 获得的以比特币计价的贷款恰逢过去几个月的每一次重大抛售。
(h/t @hellspawncrypto @arronschaar 图片)https://t.co/2fc7w3cVnE

发表时间:1年前 作者:Bitcoin @Bitcoin详情

One thing about #Bitcoin is that it is priced in USD. https://t.co/psBi1EnZuI


发表时间:1年前 作者:Bitcoin @Bitcoin详情



发表时间:1年前 作者:Bitcoin @Bitcoin详情

RT: A dummies guide to selling 42 million BTC...

RT:出售 4200 万比特币的傻瓜指南……

发表时间:1年前 作者:Bitcoin @Bitcoin详情

The seeds of a social credit system will not result in a very beautiful flower. https://t.co/9fWdjtkjaV

社会信用体系的种子不会开出非常美丽的花朵。 https://t.co/9fWdjtkjaV

发表时间:1年前 作者:Bitcoin @Bitcoin详情

RT: The decentralization of #bitcoin mining https://t.co/Eljss4PORy


发表时间:1年前 作者:Bitcoin @Bitcoin详情

🕶️ https://t.co/XJVHSPIDly

🕶️ https://t.co/XJVHSPIDly

发表时间:1年前 作者:Bitcoin @Bitcoin详情

Which one works for the railroads? https://t.co/847uFZUUv5

哪一种适用于铁路? https://t.co/847uFZUUv5

发表时间:1年前 作者:Bitcoin @Bitcoin详情

Consumer credit grew by an average of $30 billion per month through the first seven months of the year.
Revolving debt now stands at $1.137 trillion - above the pre-pandemic record.
Everyone that has USD debt is, in effect, short the USD. https://t.co/14GIlguaBY

今年前七个月,消费者信贷平均每月增长 300 亿美元。
循环债务目前为 1.137 万亿美元,高于大流行前的记录。
实际上,每个拥有美元债务的人都在做空美元。 https://t.co/14GIlguaBY

发表时间:1年前 作者:Bitcoin @Bitcoin详情

For consumers, the price of electricity is up 15.8 percent from a year ago. That is the largest 12-month increase since August 1981.
For producers, the cost of electrical power is ups 12.2 percent from a year ago. https://t.co/ImQ1goRQjH

对于消费者而言,电价比一年前上涨了 15.8%。这是自 1981 年 8 月以来最大的 12 个月增幅。
对于生产商来说,电力成本比一年前上涨了 12.2%。 https://t.co/ImQ1goRQjH

发表时间:1年前 作者:Bitcoin @Bitcoin详情