用户 Project Raven / RVN / Ravencoin(@ Ravencoin) 的最新消息

RT: Ravencoin was in a @jpmorgan research report. It accomplished this with NO ICO or pre-mine or CEO & no f’n VCs.
Don’t forget that!
Ravencoin is code & you & I.
Welcome to Ravencoin! https://twitter.com/dak_flux/s...

RT:Ravencoin 在@jpmorgan 的研究报告中。它在没有 ICO 或 pre-mine 或 CEO 的情况下实现了这一点

发表时间:1年前 作者:Project Raven / RVN / Ravencoin @Ravencoin详情

RT: Ravencoin is winning against blockchain business products that raised tens of millions of dollars with the backing of countless companies worth billions and billions!
It’s true!
Ravencoin is winning without an ICO, pre-mine or even a CEO.
Ravencoin is code & you & I.
Fuck yeah!

RT:Ravencoin 赢得了数千万美元的区块链商业产品,背后有无数价值数十亿的公司支持!
Ravencoin 在没有 ICO、预挖甚至 CEO 的情况下获胜。
Ravencoin 是代码

发表时间:1年前 作者:Project Raven / RVN / Ravencoin @Ravencoin详情

RT: At some point all the in game assets will be tokenized & traded on exchanges. In some jurisdictions it will be done on licensed & regulated exchanges possibly using @tZERO tech.
There is a huge market for tokenization.
tZERO will win.
Blockchains like Ravencoin will win.


发表时间:1年前 作者:Project Raven / RVN / Ravencoin @Ravencoin详情

RT: Ravencoin 4.6.1 is out. Version 4.6. I brings many updates that were introduced on Testnet over the last 2 years.
There are no consensus changes.
The update is not mandatory but it will improve wallet stability and usability.

RT:Ravencoin 4.6.1 已经发布。 4.6 版。我带来了过去 2 年在 Testnet 上引入的许多更新。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Project Raven / RVN / Ravencoin @Ravencoin详情

RT: Ravencoin has some amazing community members.
If you don’t already know, Ravencoin founder Bruce Fenton is running for the United States 🇺🇸 Senate.
Lots of amazing people behind Ravencoin. https://twitter.com/ravenrickg...

RT:Ravencoin 有一些了不起的社区成员。
如果你还不知道,Ravencoin 创始人 Bruce Fenton 正在竞选美国🇺🇸 参议院。
Ravencoin 背后有很多了不起的人。 https://twitter.com/ravenrickg...

发表时间:1年前 作者:Project Raven / RVN / Ravencoin @Ravencoin详情

RT: #RVN's 12h Logarithmic remains with a target at $0.07498404 and is on EXTREME ALERT as prices can show MAJOR momentum towards it in any moment!
With $RVN's prices free of a once resisting curve, they may be positioned to CLIMB OVER 108% to reach it and may QUICKLY!!!
#Ravencoin https://twitter.com/javonnnm/s... https://t.co/0yJh6z44c3


发表时间:1年前 作者:Project Raven / RVN / Ravencoin @Ravencoin详情

RT: Ravencoin $RVN in the News.
"Miners’ Shift to Ravencoin".
Article says "Numerous miners will migrate to Ravencoin when Ethereum mining comes to an end next month"
This exposure to Ravencoin is great news for the community.

RT:新闻中的 Ravencoin $RVN。
“矿工转向 Ravencoin”。
文章称“下个月以太坊挖矿结束时,许多矿工将迁移到 Ravencoin”
接触 Ravencoin 对社区来说是个好消息。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Project Raven / RVN / Ravencoin @Ravencoin详情

RT: What Is an "ASIC-Resistant" Cryptocurrency?
Ravencoin $RVN listed 1st 🥇.
#mining #crypto #ethereum #eth https://www.makeuseof.com/what...

RT:什么是“抗 ASIC”加密货币?
Ravencoin $RVN 排名第一🥇。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Project Raven / RVN / Ravencoin @Ravencoin详情

RT: Popular YouTuber talks about making $1M mining Ravencoin.
You never know what can happen after the Ethereum Merge.
@jpmorgan said Ravencoin could benefit most from the merge.
Best Budget GPU for Mining Ravencoin (Make $1,000,000 by 2023).

RT:受欢迎的 YouTuber 谈到要开采 100 万美元的 Ravencoin。
@jpmorgan 说 Ravencoin 可以从合并中受益最大。
挖矿 Ravencoin 的最佳预算 GPU(到 2023 年赚 1,000,000 美元)。

发表时间:1年前 作者:Project Raven / RVN / Ravencoin @Ravencoin详情

RT: Did you know you can encrypt files on @RavencoinIPFS with a few clicks?
This allows you to put private information on the public #Ravencoin blockchain
It’s a powerful feature
- No more right clicks
- Attach private docs to your assets
https://ravencoinipfs.com/ - built for #RVN

RT:你知道你可以通过点击几下在@RavencoinIPFS 上加密文件吗?

发表时间:1年前 作者:Project Raven / RVN / Ravencoin @Ravencoin详情

Top 100
All with no premine
No funding
No dev or founder rewards
No treasury, no executives, no headquarters

前 100 名

发表时间:1年前 作者:Project Raven / RVN / Ravencoin @Ravencoin详情

The world needs unstoppable apps.
Ravencoin as a community is fun, welcoming & open. But don’t let yourself be mistaken about what’s under the hood. Ravencoin is cold & hardened from attack- unrelenting cypherpunk node runners who back a system that can not easily be silenced.

Ravencoin 作为一个社区很有趣,很受欢迎

发表时间:1年前 作者:Project Raven / RVN / Ravencoin @Ravencoin详情

Ravencoin > Solana


发表时间:1年前 作者:Project Raven / RVN / Ravencoin @Ravencoin详情

RT: Texans need Ravencoin listed on Coinbase.
Ethereum transitions to PoS next month. The governor of Texas supports crypto mining & Coinbase is licensed to operate in Texas. TX is huge market.
Texans need Coinbase to list Ravencoin since it’s expected to gain ETH miners.
@zosegal https://twitter.com/eddiesmith...

RT:德州人需要在 Coinbase 上列出的 Ravencoin。
以太坊下个月过渡到 PoS。德克萨斯州州长支持加密采矿

发表时间:1年前 作者:Project Raven / RVN / Ravencoin @Ravencoin详情

The code survives on


发表时间:1年前 作者:Project Raven / RVN / Ravencoin @Ravencoin详情

The Fed guy is talking.
Ravencoin supply doesn’t change because people give speeches.


发表时间:1年前 作者:Project Raven / RVN / Ravencoin @Ravencoin详情

RT: Ethereum is supposed to switch over to proof of stake mid September. When the switch happens many ETH miners (I'm guessing most) will switch over to mining #RavenCoin. Like #Bitcoin law makers won't be able to regulate it. #RVN is a sleeping giant!


发表时间:1年前 作者:Project Raven / RVN / Ravencoin @Ravencoin详情