用户 SORA(@ sora_xor) 的最新消息

"Bitcoin has become speculative, which means that it is a saving aggregate, which means it is pulling liquidity out of the market." - Ben Senn
🎙 Live now at https://soranomics.com/ https://t.co/H4c9ULhyXP

“比特币已经成为投机性的,这意味着它是一种储蓄总量,这意味着它正在将流动性撤出市场。” - 本森
🎙 现在住在 https://soranomics.com/ https://t.co/H4c9ULhyXP

发表时间:1年前 作者:SORA @sora_xor详情

Wealth and income inequality is growing faster than GDP is, which is leading to more investment abroad… Where does this fit into disaggregated credit?
🔺 Find out in Ben Senn’s presentation streaming live at https://soranomics.com/ https://t.co/R3NXp4yI2l

财富和收入不平等的增长速度超过了 GDP,这导致了更多的海外投资……这在哪里适合分类信贷?
🔺 在 https://soranomics.com/ https://t.co/ 上观看 Ben Senn 的直播演示R3NXp4yI2l

发表时间:1年前 作者:SORA @sora_xor详情

Dollar backing has profound effects on the credit system, tune in now to Ben Senn’s presentation to find out how it affects DeFi
🎤 Live at https://soranomics.com/ https://t.co/2TApTHybex

美元支持对信用体系产生深远影响,现在收听 Ben Senn 的演讲,了解它如何影响 DeFi
🎤 住在 https://soranomics.com/ https://t.co/2TApTHybex

发表时间:1年前 作者:SORA @sora_xor详情

Ben Senn is up next! The topic he'll be covering is "Quantitative Easing and Credit Creation in DeFi" 🧩
Ben is a former Swiss banker/economist, member of Zurich Friends of Haskell, and head of strategy at @ValhallaDAO_
Join our live event at https://soranomics.com/ 🌐 https://t.co/RweQBgE2aX

接下来是本森!他将讨论的主题是“DeFi 中的量化宽松和信用创造”🧩
Ben 是前瑞士银行家/经济学家、苏黎世 Haskell 之友成员以及@ValhallaDAO_ 的战略主管
https://soranomics.com/ 参加我们的现场活动🌐 https://t.co/RweQBgE2aX

发表时间:1年前 作者:SORA @sora_xor详情

Tune in as Hendrik Becker answers the question on many people's minds, "does CBDC change the monetary system?"
🎙Live from https://soranomics.com/ https://t.co/iGix51mGHp

收听 Hendrik Becker 回答许多人心中的问题,“CBDC 会改变货币体系吗?”
🎙从 https://soranomics.com/ https://t.co/iGix51mGHp 直播

发表时间:1年前 作者:SORA @sora_xor详情

Hendrik Becker’s presentation touches on very interesting topics that we all interact with daily, but few understand in depth… Money
Live now on https://soranomics.com/ https://t.co/Dg0udroyCJ

亨德里克·贝克尔(Hendrik Becker)的演讲涉及非常有趣的话题,我们每天都会与之互动,但很少有人深入了解……金钱
现在直播 https://soranomics.com/ https://t.co/Dg0udroyCJ

发表时间:1年前 作者:SORA @sora_xor详情

Our next speaker is Hendrik Becker from the @bundesbank! 🗣
Hendrik will be discussing the topic of "CBDC and Its Fundamental Influence on the Monetary System"
Join now 👇
https://soranomics.com/ https://t.co/5DXB9X9Xgo

我们的下一位演讲者是来自@bundesbank 的 Hendrik Becker! 🗣
Hendrik 将讨论“CBDC 及其对货币体系的基本影响”的主题
https://soranomics.com/ https://t.co/5DXB9X9Xgo

发表时间:1年前 作者:SORA @sora_xor详情

“Don’t focus too much on your domain, you need to be open-minded.” - Satoru Yamadera
🔴 LIVE from https://soranomics.com/ https://t.co/RcSDuA1WKy

“不要过分关注你的领域,你需要思想开放。” ——山寺悟
🔴 来自 https://soranomics.com/ 的现场直播 https://t.co/RcSDuA1WKy

发表时间:1年前 作者:SORA @sora_xor详情

"If we say crypto assets, the regulators will consider them securities, but if we say cryptocurrencies, that will fall under Central Bank regulations." Satoru Yamadera
🔴 LIVE from https://soranomics.com/ https://t.co/6nO2DEJCty

🔴 来自 https://soranomics.com/ https://t.co/6nO2DEJCty 的现场直播

发表时间:1年前 作者:SORA @sora_xor详情

"In order to implement new technology, we need to understand the regulations that will be impacted." Satoru Yamadera
🔴 LIVE from https://soranomics.com/ https://t.co/GGGuwQjSVC

🔴 来自 https://soranomics.com/ https://t.co/GGGuwQjSVC 的现场直播

发表时间:1年前 作者:SORA @sora_xor详情

Satoru Yamadera from @ADB_HQ is up next! 🎙
He'll be sharing valuable and important tips for market development, tech people, and policymakers.
⛓ Join us at https://soranomics.com/ https://t.co/WcRiPGT2K0

来自@ADB_HQ 的 Satoru Yamadera 即将登场! 🎙
⛓ 加入我们 https://soranomics.com/ https://t.co/WcRiPGT2K0

发表时间:1年前 作者:SORA @sora_xor详情

"When we create a new blockchain system, we still need the old system in parallel, and both are costs, the question is, when do we break even?"
Join the event at https://soranomics.com/ ⛓ https://t.co/90hKxj9f8c

通过 https://soranomics.com/ 参加活动⛓ https://t.co/90hKxj9f8c

发表时间:1年前 作者:SORA @sora_xor详情

Central Banks are also working on keeping up with current financial innovations 🏦
Watch Johannes Duong talk about Project Delphi at https://soranomics.com/ 👈 https://t.co/QK4hTZLBvI

观看 Johannes Duong 在 https://soranomics.com/ 上谈论 Project Delphi 👈 https://t.co/QK4hTZLBvI

发表时间:1年前 作者:SORA @sora_xor详情

The next speaker on stage is Johannes Duong of @oenb 🏦
He'll be covering the topic of "Oesterreichische Nationalbank Research Project Delphi: Simulation of Tokenizing Bond and Wholesale CBDC on a Blockchain"
Join us now at https://soranomics.com/ 👈 https://t.co/2t1XEqskBM

舞台上的下一位演讲者是@oenb 的 Johannes Duong 🏦
他将介绍“Oesterreichische Nationalbank Research Project Delphi:在区块链上模拟债券和批发 CBDC”的主题
现在加入我们 https://soranomics.com/ 👈 https://t.co/2t1XEqskBM

发表时间:1年前 作者:SORA @sora_xor详情

"To create confidence in the XOR monetary base, it is required to remove the policy option of minting new XOR via on-chain governance"
@M4K070 is presenting a proposal to update XOR tokenomics
Join now 👉 https://soranomics.com/ https://t.co/ahvd5PR61E

“为了建立对 XOR 货币基础的信心,需要取消通过链上治理铸造新 XOR 的政策选项”
@M4K070 提出更新 XOR 代币经济学的提案
现在加入👉 https://soranomics.com/ https://t.co/ahvd5PR61E

发表时间:1年前 作者:SORA @sora_xor详情

After @M4k070 's opening remarks, the 🔺 SORA Economic Forum has officially begun!
Look forward to Makoto Takemiya's opening presentation "SORA Ab Chao" starting now!
Register now at https://soranomics.com/ https://t.co/qQrJRGyP0l

在@M4k070 的开场白之后,🔺 SORA 经济论坛正式开始了!
从现在开始期待竹宫诚的开幕演讲“SORA Ab Chao”!
立即在 https://soranomics.com/ https://t.co/qQrJRGyP0l 注册

发表时间:1年前 作者:SORA @sora_xor详情

And... it's here! The 2nd SORA Economic Forum begins! 🌟
Join us now and enjoy the kick-off of the event by Dr. @M4K070 Takemiya ⤵️
SORA Ab Chao❤️‍🔥 https://t.co/i652DuEGKt

而且……就在这里!第二届SORA经济论坛开始! 🌟
现在就加入我们,享受@M4K070 Takemiya 博士的活动开场⤵️
SORA Ab Chao❤️‍🔥 https://t.co/i652DuEGKt

发表时间:1年前 作者:SORA @sora_xor详情

We know you've been waiting for this! The 2nd SORA Economic Forum starts in less than 1 HOUR! ☄️
Register now and don't miss out! ⤵️
https://soranomics.com/ https://t.co/N8Jsv8nVNG

我们知道你一直在等待这个!第二届SORA经济论坛不到1小时就开始了! ☄️
立即注册,不要错过! ⤵️
https://soranomics.com/ https://t.co/N8Jsv8nVNG

发表时间:1年前 作者:SORA @sora_xor详情

RT: With the 2nd Annual 🔺SORA Economic Forum less than 12 hours away, we present one of our headline speakers and an influence on the SORA Economic System, none other than Professor Richard Werner @scientificecon 🧵 /1 https://t.co/TkpZ43efJh

RT:距离第二届 🔺SORA 经济论坛还有不到 12 小时的路程,我们将介绍我们的一位头条新闻发言人以及对 SORA 经济体系的影响,这正是 Richard Werner 教授 @scientificecon 🧵 /1 https://t.co /TkpZ43efJh

发表时间:1年前 作者:SORA @sora_xor详情