用户 AXEL(@ AXELUnlimited) 的最新消息

What comes to mind when you think of Web3? Hopefully it's the incredible potential that decentralization has to fix the privacy landscape of the internet!

当您想到 Web3 时会想到什么?希望这是去中心化修复互联网隐私环境的巨大潜力!
https://www.axel.org/2022/ 05/2...

发表时间:1年前 作者:AXEL @AXELUnlimited详情

Archival is an honorable endeavor, and we'd love to help. IPFS technology is important to the future of storage on the internet, imagine what it could do for your business.

归档是一项光荣的工作,我们很乐意提供帮助。 IPFS 技术对于互联网存储的未来很重要,想象一下它可以为您的业务做些什么。
https://www.axel.org/ 2022/05/1...

发表时间:1年前 作者:AXEL @AXELUnlimited详情

Let's get crypto out of the limelight. Web3 is one of the most exciting developments on the internet. It provides the structure for our storage and filesharing, and secures the future of privacy on the internet in ways we've never seen before.

让我们远离聚光灯下的加密货币。 Web3 是互联网上最令人兴奋的发展之一。它为我们的存储和文件共享提供了结构,并以我们从未见过的方式保护了互联网隐私的未来。
https://www.axel.org/2022/08/2。 ..

发表时间:1年前 作者:AXEL @AXELUnlimited详情

A hospital should never be under digital siege, yet that tends to be the reality these days. AXEL Go protects even the most sensitive data from some of the most callous attacks.

医院永远不应该被数字包围,但如今这往往是现实。 AXEL Go 甚至可以保护最敏感的数据免受一些最无情的攻击。
https://www.axel.org/2022/07/0。 ..

发表时间:1年前 作者:AXEL @AXELUnlimited详情

Let's give UX a round of applause. This is the unsung hero in the cybersecurity fight. AXEL understands that streamlining user experience makes us more likely to engage with cybersecurity methods, so we've poured our hearts into exactly that with AXEL Go

让我们为 UX 鼓掌。这是网络安全斗争中的无名英雄。 AXEL 了解简化用户体验使我们更有可能使用网络安全方法,因此我们倾心于 AXEL Go
https://www.axel.org/ 2022/07/2...

发表时间:1年前 作者:AXEL @AXELUnlimited详情

Day 1 exploits come for us all, but taking proactive security measures will protect us from losing our data. AXEL Go aims to be one of those proactive measures

第 1 天漏洞利用对我们所有人来说,但采取积极的安全措施将保护我们免于丢失数据。 AXEL Go 旨在成为这些积极措施之一
https://www.axel。 org/2022/07/2...

发表时间:1年前 作者:AXEL @AXELUnlimited详情