用户 HEAT Wallet & DEX(@ heatcrypto) 的最新消息

Fun week ahead (2/2) 🔥
----> Promotion for the new update will be also start this week with #cryptowitter opinion leaders and ads on crypto ad networks. Looking forward to the feedback ahead this month and all the new users trying out HEAT or following the project.


发表时间:4年前 作者:HEAT Wallet & DEX @heatcrypto详情

Fun week ahead (1/2) 🔥
-> HEAT Wallet update coming out.
--> Blog post on the chain's update and how it links to our strategy and goals. Includes intro to the new wallet concept.
---> Also the #infosession will be held later this week to talk about the update.


发表时间:4年前 作者:HEAT Wallet & DEX @heatcrypto详情

RT: #ALTSEASON https://t.co/chlmDZA7WR


发表时间:4年前 作者:HEAT Wallet & DEX @heatcrypto详情

CORRECTION: internal rewrite of storage engine to a max of 18 Billion terabytes. Blocks are not 640MB, just the individual pieces are. 640MB is the size of a compressed single piece of virtualized disk space.

更正:将存储引擎内部重写为最大 180 亿 TB。块不是 640MB,只是单个块。 640MB 是压缩后的单个虚拟磁盘空间的大小。

发表时间:4年前 作者:HEAT Wallet & DEX @heatcrypto详情

@durerus 1. HEAT has its own integrated DEX, 2. Assuming that being on an exchange is going to automatically increase mcap is fundamentally wrong (but helps to understand where your logic flaws), 3. we did make an exception for the community with Topia and look where it led to.

@durerus 1. HEAT 有自己的集成 DEX,2. 假设在交易所会自动增加 mcap 是根本错误的(但有助于理解你的逻辑缺陷在哪里),3. 我们确实为社区破例了托皮亚,看看它通向哪里。

发表时间:4年前 作者:HEAT Wallet & DEX @heatcrypto详情

@durerus If not happy, sell. Or do I have to explain to you how this works? Should have invested in a project you believed in, not a project that will just work to make you rich, Mr. Attitude.

@durerus 如果不满意,请出售。还是我必须向您解释这是如何工作的?应该投资一个你相信的项目,而不是一个只会让你变得富有的项目,态度先生。

发表时间:4年前 作者:HEAT Wallet & DEX @heatcrypto详情

@durerus First of all it is not really your money, unless you gave us a loan I am not aware of. Second, you should first read where you are putting your money. Third, sorry, we need to think on the company's interest and all coin holders interest, not your desires to make a fast buck. 👋

@durerus 首先,这不是你的钱,除非你给了我们一笔我不知道的贷款。其次,您应该首先阅读您将钱放在哪里。第三,对不起,我们需要考虑公司的利益和所有持币者的利益,而不是你想要快速赚钱的愿望。 👋

发表时间:4年前 作者:HEAT Wallet & DEX @heatcrypto详情

@NedBGQ @notsofast @Cryptopia_NZ Sorry to hear! Still hoping it resolves positively.

@NedBGQ @notsofast @Cryptopia_NZ 抱歉!仍然希望它能够积极解决。

发表时间:4年前 作者:HEAT Wallet & DEX @heatcrypto详情

@durerus If ethics for you are about arrogance.... good luck! Sit on ur BTC??? Unbelievable!

@durerus 如果您的道德规范与傲慢有关....祝您好运!坐在你的比特币上???难以置信的!

发表时间:4年前 作者:HEAT Wallet & DEX @heatcrypto详情

@durerus One clear benefit of the private projects is how we've been able to turn learnings into improvements to the chain. Although not all agree, there are reasons we have explained why not to join centralized exchanges, the 1st out of ethics being a DEX.

@durerus 私人项目的一个明显好处是我们如何能够将学习转化为对链条的改进。尽管并非所有人都同意,但我们已经解释了为什么不加入中心化交易所的原因,第一个出于道德原因是 DEX。

发表时间:4年前 作者:HEAT Wallet & DEX @heatcrypto详情

@durerus You clearly haven't followed what's been going during the last 18 months or you are definitely omitting it for your own interest. If there was a way we disappointed our investors is by the delays caused by unfriendly regulations and private projects.

@durerus 您显然没有关注过去 18 个月的情况,或者您肯定出于自己的利益而忽略了它。如果有一种方式让我们的投资者失望,那就是不友好的法规和私人项目造成的延误。

发表时间:4年前 作者:HEAT Wallet & DEX @heatcrypto详情

@CryptoVortek @cryptoblood_ He has a great show! No question about that. We need to click a show with him sometime soon but not sure about that last available spot just yet. P's!

@CryptoVortek @cryptoblood_ 他的表演很棒!对此毫无疑问。我们需要尽快与他一起点击一个节目,但还不确定最后一个可用的位置。呸!

发表时间:4年前 作者:HEAT Wallet & DEX @heatcrypto详情

@DigitalLawrence This is why we want to work with you. WOW! 🙏🏽💥

@DigitalLawrence 这就是我们想与您合作的原因。哇! 🙏🏽💥

发表时间:4年前 作者:HEAT Wallet & DEX @heatcrypto详情

@CRYPTOVERLOAD There's no doubt you are in it to win it so keep strong!

@CRYPTOVERLOAD 毫无疑问,你会赢得它,所以要坚强!

发表时间:4年前 作者:HEAT Wallet & DEX @heatcrypto详情

-> Latest Wallet version - https://rebrand.ly/tj9ikd
--> New update countdown on!
---> New Beta of HEAT chain. Includes, 1. p2p net avro binary data node communication, 2. internal rewrite of storage engine to a max of 16B, 3. 2 blocks on ur device to operate. Blocks = 640MB.


发表时间:4年前 作者:HEAT Wallet & DEX @heatcrypto详情

@CryptoVortek @dukeleto @PirateChain @MyHushTeam Join us!

@CryptoVortek @dukeleto @PirateChain @MyHushTeam 加入我们!

发表时间:4年前 作者:HEAT Wallet & DEX @heatcrypto详情

@CryptoVortek @ElleMarie0012 @crypt0snews Just DMed @ElleMarie0012 and @crypt0snews about it :) Hopefully we can make it happen. Thanks!

@CryptoVortek @ElleMarie0012 @crypt0snews 刚刚 DMed @ElleMarie0012 和 @crypt0snews 关于它:) 希望我们能实现它。谢谢!

发表时间:4年前 作者:HEAT Wallet & DEX @heatcrypto详情

@CryptoVortek @AlexSaundersAU We are Alex's fans too and we are always looking forward to the feedback that comes out of reviews. Great way to find out about where to improve 💪🏽

@CryptoVortek @AlexSaundersAU 我们也是 Alex 的粉丝,我们一直期待着来自评论的反馈。找出需要改进的地方的好方法💪🏽

发表时间:4年前 作者:HEAT Wallet & DEX @heatcrypto详情

@guanacastesurf @CryptoVortek @notsofast @shitcointalk @dum Apologies on the announcements channel updates since it's true we've been using the General channel for those since the end of last year. Will get it back in order. Cheers!

@guanacastesurf @CryptoVortek @notsofast @shitcointalk @dum 对公告频道更新表示歉意,因为我们确实自去年年底以来一直在使用通用频道。会按顺序取回来的。干杯!

发表时间:4年前 作者:HEAT Wallet & DEX @heatcrypto详情

@CryptoVortek @shitcointalk @dum @notsofast Always looking forward for a good chat with these gents. Hopefully we can make it happen!

@CryptoVortek @shitcointalk @dum @notsofast 一直期待与这些绅士愉快地聊天。希望我们能做到!

发表时间:4年前 作者:HEAT Wallet & DEX @heatcrypto详情