用户 MXC Foundation(@ MXCfoundation) 的最新消息

RT: I think the future is just IOT and lately, I have been looking at projects which are successfully utilizing them and I have found that @MXCfoundation is not only one of the best around but they are also offering M2 pro miners which can help mine $BTC easily.

RT:我认为未来只是物联网,最近,我一直在寻找成功利用它们的项目,我发现@MXCfoundation 不仅是最好的项目之一,而且他们还提供可以帮助我的 M2 专业矿工$BTC 很容易。

发表时间:1年前 作者:MXC Foundation @MXCfoundation详情

RT: I have been mining using miners from @MXCfoundation for a long now and it's been nothing but a sort of magical experience for me. and now, #MetaXP will allow miners to continue mining $MXC and then transition to highly sustainable $DHX mining. The best of both worlds! 🔥

RT:我一直在使用@MXCfoundation 的矿工进行挖矿,这对我来说只不过是一种神奇的体验。现在,

发表时间:1年前 作者:MXC Foundation @MXCfoundation详情

ETH Merge Update 🔷
⏰ From 4pm CEST, the ETH merge update will begin. ERC20 deposits and withdrawals will be unavailable between 6-12 hours
💫 #MXC will continue to exclusively support the PoS version of MXC ERC20

ETH 合并更新🔷
⏰ 从 CEST 下午 4 点开始,ETH 合并更新将开始。 ERC20 存款和取款将在 6-12 小时之间不可用

发表时间:1年前 作者:MXC Foundation @MXCfoundation详情

5/ To sum up, #MetaXP will allow miners to continue mining $MXC and then transition to highly sustainable $DHX mining. The best of both worlds! 🔥
Plus, supporters will continue to enjoy mining $BTC (and soon $DOT!) by bonding $MXC tokens.
The future begins Sept. 20!

5/ 总而言之,

发表时间:1年前 作者:MXC Foundation @MXCfoundation详情

4/ The fixed emission, regardless of the number of miners, controls how many $DHX tokens enter the market on a daily basis.
This contributes to:
-token stability
-long-term sustainability
This makes $DHX mining more attractive to miners while strengthening the $DHX network! 🏋️‍♂️

4/ 固定排放量,无论有多少矿工,控制着每天有多少 $DHX 代币进入市场。
- 代币稳定性
- 长期可持续性
这使得 $DHX 挖矿对矿工更具吸引力,同时加强了 $DHX 网络! 🏋️‍♂️

发表时间:1年前 作者:MXC Foundation @MXCfoundation详情

3/ Meta-XP makes mining with the #M2Pro even more sustainable! ✅
For example, $DHX boasts a majority of tokens in lockup, which can only be unlocked, emitted, and distributed in a fixed amount of 2500 $DHX per day to miners.

3/ Meta-XP 使用

发表时间:1年前 作者:MXC Foundation @MXCfoundation详情

2/ As #MetaXP optimizes the allocation of mined tokens, an increasing number of supporters will start mining $DHX tokens.
This is in addition to mining $MXC and $BTC (applicable to those who have bonded $MXC in $BTC mining)! 🥳

2/ 作为

发表时间:1年前 作者:MXC Foundation @MXCfoundation详情

1/ #MetaXP will allow MXC supporters to continue mining with the #M2Pro for generations to come!
Discover the innovative solution that makes multi-token mining sustainable. ♻️
A thread 🧵: https://t.co/X04ZKpM5kJ


发表时间:1年前 作者:MXC Foundation @MXCfoundation详情

RT: With your M2 Pro and MX Protocol which has proof-of-participation consensus mechanism, you have the opportunity to join the decentralized IoT revolution courtesy of @mxcfoundation

RT:通过您的 M2 Pro 和具有参与证明共识机制的 MX 协议,您有机会加入由@mxcfoundation 提供的分散式物联网革命

发表时间:1年前 作者:MXC Foundation @MXCfoundation详情

RT: I’m using the @MXCfoundation DataDash app which is available on Android and iOS. It’s so smooth and it allows me to manage my M2 Pro Miner by staking on Supernodes and mining tokens such as $BTC $DHX $MXC and $DOT (which is coming soon after release of MetaXP) 👌

RT:我正在使用 Android 和 iOS 上可用的 @MXCfoundation DataDash 应用程序。它非常流畅,它让我可以通过在超级节点上质押和挖掘代币来管理我的 M2 Pro Miner,例如 $BTC $DHX $MXC 和 $DOT(即将在 MetaXP 发布后推出)👌

发表时间:1年前 作者:MXC Foundation @MXCfoundation详情

RT: BREAKING NEWS VIDEO: MXC Launching Meta-XP on September 20, 2022! | https://youtu.be/hPT2ZbfRiys | @MXCfoundation @matchx_iot $MXC #CryptoNews https://t.co/2jMlXR7AFS

RT:突发新闻视频:MXC 2022 年 9 月 20 日推出 Meta-XP! | https://youtu.be/hPT2ZbfRiys | @MXCfoundation @matchx_iot $MXC

发表时间:1年前 作者:MXC Foundation @MXCfoundation详情

RT: My dude @tacticalinvest_ hosted my FIRST interview! Great questions, and super psyched for what’s coming for @MXCfoundation and @matchx_iot 😎💯🚀 Thanks for creating great content! “This is Huge!” 😉 https://youtu.be/f1iM_JjFIGc

RT:我的兄弟@tacticalinvest_ 主持了我的第一次采访!很好的问题,对@MXCfoundation 和@matchx_iot 的未来感到非常兴奋😎💯🚀 感谢您创造了精彩的内容! “这是巨大的!” 😉 https://youtu.be/f1iM_JjFIGc

发表时间:1年前 作者:MXC Foundation @MXCfoundation详情

RT: I just met a few miners from the @MXCfoundation over a coffee and honestly, everyone had the same experience as the M2pro miners are really working well for everyone in our region and the mutual consensus is that we all need to buy a few more of them.🚀🚀

RT:我刚刚在喝咖啡的时候遇到了来自@MXCfoundation 的几位矿工,老实说,每个人都有与 M2pro 矿工相同的体验,对我们地区的每个人都非常有效,并且共同的共识是我们都需要再购买一些其中。🚀🚀

发表时间:1年前 作者:MXC Foundation @MXCfoundation详情

RT: The recent update of the #DataDash App is so amazing and with lots of unique features and UI that makes mining easier than before, kudos to @MXCfoundation for constantly updating the App for easy usage.


发表时间:1年前 作者:MXC Foundation @MXCfoundation详情

RT: Before now, #cryptomining was difficult to do without a lot of money; in fact, it required one miner to work on one coin at once
However, thanks to @MXCfoundation, mining several cryptos with a single portable miner at a low cost & high efficiency is a deal with their new #MetaXP https://t.co/AR3StP5KEH


发表时间:1年前 作者:MXC Foundation @MXCfoundation详情

6/ The big #MetaXP reveal is on September 20! 🦾 Follow along, and join the #DataRepublic movement now: https://mxc.org/

6/ 大

发表时间:1年前 作者:MXC Foundation @MXCfoundation详情

5/ An important update to note: for those mining $DHX, your $MXC fuel tank will count as mPower.
This is bound to make sure your fuel tank counts for BOTH $DHX and $MXC mining! ⛏️
This is great news for all miners, introducing an interchain fuel tank for interchain mining.

5/ 需要注意的重要更新:对于那些开采 $DHX 的人,您的 $MXC 油箱将计为 mPower。
这必将确保您的油箱对 $DHX 和 $MXC 挖矿都有效! ⛏️

发表时间:1年前 作者:MXC Foundation @MXCfoundation详情

4/ Miner Health factors such as fuel and uptime will continue to determine your mining power on various tokens. 🔥
Plus, an innovative factor will be introduced: the auto-optimization of allocations, with a focus on sustainability, transparency, and rebalancing of risk profile.

4/ 矿工健康因素,例如燃料和正常运行时间,将继续决定您在各种代币上的挖矿能力。 🔥

发表时间:1年前 作者:MXC Foundation @MXCfoundation详情

3/ To sum it up, you can expect a change in the composition of your mined assets in daily mining operations.
But this will not change the ability to mine. Simply put, the longer you're on a chain, the more participation required. 🙌

3/ 总而言之,您可以预期在日常采矿作业中您的开采资产构成会发生变化。
但这不会改变我的能力。简单地说,你在链上的时间越长,需要的参与就越多。 🙌

发表时间:1年前 作者:MXC Foundation @MXCfoundation详情

2/ Meta-XP will have a direct, increasing impact on the variety of assets mined with the #M2Pro. 📈
And fear not: keep that Health up and keep mining! We will guide you through your journey!

2/ Meta-XP 将对使用

发表时间:1年前 作者:MXC Foundation @MXCfoundation详情